happy Monday!

Oct 22, 2007 12:03

I slept a lot this weekend and was not wildly productive. I did make it to lostvoice's birthday pub night, also to chamber choir practice. I had fun at the former and think I'm going to enjoy the latter -- it's a nice group (of whom, bizarrely, three people plus me are from my choir and four are from my mother's choir; small world) and the music is tricky enough to be interesting, but not impossible. Granted, we were only doing four parts yesterday, not eight, and when we get to eight I will be all alone at Alto 2, but I have hope. The conductor seems really nice.

[Edit: The reason I slept a lot on Saturday was I went to the Rivoli for monkeycommando's birthday on Friday night and drank a lot and played pool, which I haven't done in far too long. It was great, although Dan and I had something of an arms race of ass-grabbing that, in retrospect, may have been a little disturbing to the casual onlooker. I am not sure why I forgot to mention this in my original post; possibly my brain was searching only the "Saturday" and "Sunday" archives.]

I attempted pot roast, but fear it may have been overcooked. We didn't actually eat it because pariah_ink came over and I'd made it with wine, so that was no good. Jen made curry instead.

Still obsessed by Killer Sudoku.

Books read this week:

The Ill-Bred Bride, Rosemary Edghill, of which more later.
Jimmy Corrigan: the Smartest Kid on Earth, Chris Ware. Have to admit I only skimmed this -- I may go back and read it properly. Technically impressive and surprisingly moving, but I didn't actually like it very much.
Magic Lessons, Justine Larbalestier.
Jennifer Government, Max Barry, which was uneven but hilarious.
Flirting in Cars, Alisa Kwitney, who has apparently been gone from Vertigo long enough to have written 7!!! books. I liked this one very much. (It also made an inadvertent single-mother diptych with Jennifer Government.) I don't, however, think much of the cover.
The Spiderwick Chronicles, Book 1, Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi. Fun -- I'll hope the movie is decent.

choir, books

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