Oh my. It's September.

Sep 05, 2007 12:04


Took Friday off and puttered. I got to the gym and gardened and made pesto but then basically ran out of steam and spent the afternoon doing Sudoku Mega. It was nice though.

Saw War on Friday evening, which was all right for what it was (nonsensical, ultraviolent, trying too hard with the twist-on-top-of-the-twist ending). Really wanted to watch Hot Fuzz again to see them doing lots and lots of paperwork.

Jen and Tilde and I went up to the cottage Saturday, where the weather grew progressively more glorious until it was time to leave. Typical. Read, canoed, ate corn on the cob. Made plans for the bookcase in my living room; my dad approves.

Monday we came down and stopped off at Bradford Greenhouses, where they were having a sale; bought some pots and some mums and some gerberas and some pansies (guaranteed to come up again in the spring, unless we put them in containers or get road salt on them) and a rosebush (April Moon) that actually has roses with scent and some perennials of which the only thing I can remember is a pink poppy. It's not really the time of year for planting perennials, but hey! sale! If they all die, no great loss.

Then we had dinner at Jen's parents' (scallops, fondue, lemon meringue pielets) and went for a last drink with life_on_queen, who is presumably now in Dublin experiencing extreme homesickness. I'm pretty sure we'd have heard by now if she hadn't made it. (She's going to be away for eight months! Waaah!) We smuggled the small Tilde into the bar in Jen's tote bag; luckily we had a booth or we'd never have managed it.

Books read this week: Agnes and the Hitman (I am a slut for all things Crusie but this should not cause you to discount my opinion that this is a really, really fun book. Food! Sex! Assassins! A cast of thousands! The Wedding from Hell! Flamingos! What's not to love? Unless you don't love those things). Crystal Rain (suffered a bit, I thought, from a few too many points of view, but still well-written with a really neat setting and premise and it worked out in satisfying fashion at the end). So Yesterday (shades of Bellwether). Swing, Swing Together (shades of Three Men in a Boat, obviously, as every character is reading it, and therefore also of To Say Nothing of the Dog -- I swear I wasn't going for a Connie Willis tribute weekend, it's just that something else I was reading had an ad for that in the back and there it was up at the cottage so I started it).

Bought this week: the cutest shoes ever, which were on sale. And some other stuff; I continue to fill gaps in my wardrobe. Gotta stop spending, though, really...

garden, movies, books

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