Weekend review

Aug 20, 2007 12:14

but first: I am very excited to learn that George Brown offers courses in emergency management, and I would LOVE to take some.

On Friday I went to Enterprise (I get a discount) after work and rented Vanzilla. (Brand new, just arrived, a mere 66 km on the clock.) Took me a bit to get used to driving something so HUGE and with so few side windows, but I didn't kill anybody or squish anything and that's what counts. life_on_queen and I moved a load of stuff up to her parents' that evening (moving truism: You have more stuff than you think) and finished around 10:30. I came back early Saturday morning, with coffee, and got help parallel parking the monster in front of the apartment. Failed to read the parking sign correctly and got a ticket (you'd think I'd learn), but I choose to think of this as my offering to the parking gods because we got excellent parking for the rest of the morning. Dan and Dennis came over and we moved the furniture and the cat (poor Tully) all in excellent time for me to get Vanzilla back by noon.

Then life_on_queen and I ate breakfast and went to MEC. Always a happy thing. I bought a (basic, but decent) compass and two pairs of pants and some tops and some Clif bars and evidently spent enough that it raised the eyebrows of Visa, but I think I am mostly all set for England now.

And then I went home and figured I had basically accomplished plenty for the weekend and could stop now. I did get up in time to pick up my dry-cleaning and my photos and some library books, and made a long list of things to do of which I achieved about half. I did cook: vegetable biryani (laziest method possible including frozen vegetables) and sorta kinda penne puttanesca (tomato sauce, tuna, capers, olives, jalapenos -- very tasty). And I watched Gilda on TVO, which was fantastic although I found the ending troubling. Rita Hayworth rocked that part, however.

Yesterday I got sucked in by Sudoku and Eva Ibbotson, but I did manage to paint the annoying plaster patch in my kitchen so my kitchen is back to normal now, hurray!

Vanzilla gave me a bruise on the outside of my left thigh from hopping out of the cab so often. Ow.

Books read this week: She Went All the Way (OK, cute but not a keeper -- pretty ordinary). Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (started off feeling intimidated, and I still feel I was never that cool and together, but I loved it -- they've both been slightly maimed by their respective exes, and they're as uncertain as you'd expect teenagers to be, and they spend most of the middle of the book utterly out of sync with each other and it works out in the end). What the Lady Wants (reread). Madensky Square (lovely -- a very unconventional romance, and one of her love letters to Vienna). I'm forgetting something. Although maybe not, it was a pretty full week. (Edit: Swordspoint! *headslap* Which I reread for the first time in years and years and years -- I originally bought it for the pretty Tom Canty cover but didn't really cleave to it. Liked it much better this time around especially in light of The Privilege of the Sword.)

Returned to the library only partly read because someone else had it on hold but I think I have the gist: Inequality Reexamined.

house, movies, books

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