(no subject)

May 31, 2007 16:54

Jen is back, and the number of dogs I am responsible for has halved. Thank goodness.

We actually got on pretty well yesterday evening. I got to John and Helen's late; both girls were ecstatic to see me and Tilde insisted she was starving! starving! Which may have been true as pariah_ink got stuck at work and couldn't come to feed her at her usual time. On the other hand her bowl was full when I left in the morning and empty when I got back. So. Hm.

We hung out in the back garden for a while and then walked home, getting tangled in our leashes and conversing in civilized fashion with a Wheaten terrier along the way. (A minor miracle -- Basta tends to bully dogs smaller than she is and Tilde is standoffish with dogs she doesn't know.) Neighbour asked, as they tend to, "Did you always have two dogs?" -- I think it's because they're actually kind of similar-looking, being mostly black and plumey, although of course rather different sizes and shapes. Then we watered the plants and enjoyed the evening and I made myself some dinner and we had a minor scuffle when I gave Tilde a treat to distract her from Basta's bone but didn't notice Basta was behind me when I did it. Oops. Then I sat on the couch and Tilde snoozed on the couch next to me and Basta snoozed on the floor next to the couch (she seems to be OK with Tilde getting special couch privileges on account of height, as long as they aren't abused), and there was great peace and contentment until Jen came in, at which point there was great rejoicing and tail-wagging and jumping up and down.

They're still very cute.

dogs, tilde

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