today's house update

Sep 28, 2005 13:53

My aunt reports:

Today for lunch we had an ethnic meal: hot Italian sausage and bangers in buns.

The City guy came. Keith the Foam did not come today, but will come tomorrow.

John has been busy putting electrical boxes in little plastic condoms to satisfy the building inspector who has a passionate attachment to vapour barriers. Finished wiring and duct in Jen's bedroom.

Stuart has Jenny's front window operative.

Dan has been adjusting firring strips.

Cheers all, Helen

It's all about the little plastic condoms.

Incidentally, I am still puttering away at my packing. Up to 47 boxes as of this morning, plus some stuff that isn't numbered. Disassembled my stereo. Will detach the DVD and VCR tonight. Mostly all that's left is the office corner, which looks like it should occupy about a box and a half but will undoubtedly make for about five boxes. I don't know why this should be so, but it usually is.

Here's the thing: I have moved a LOT in my life, but I hate it and I'm not good at it. Some people float around the globe living out of two suitcases for years, and they love it. I am not one of them. I accumulate Stuff, and books and clothes and kitchen appliances. At the same time, I'm not good at settling in: at some level, I seem to expect that another move is just around the corner, so what's the point? I live surrounded by boxes, never quite happy with my furniture, but unprepared to buy stuff that really works because I'm just going to move again.

Jen, by contrast (for example), doesn't have any of this. Her parents have lived in the same house her entire life and show no signs of wanting to change that.

I'm really hoping that living in a house I own, in the place I want to live, where I can do basically whatever I want with the place, will allow me to settle down and be calm and free up all this emotional energy for better things.

I explained some of this to crankygrrl over coffees yesterday evening and she said "Maybe that's why you've been so difficult ever since I've known you! It was low-grade stress! I always thought you liked living out of boxes!" She seems to think that I'm annoyed about this, but I think it's an entirely reasonable theory.


house, my psyche

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