Yahoo Closing Delicious? (and Flicker, and MyBlog, and...)

Dec 16, 2010 17:40

What the hell, Yahoo.

I'm probably one of dozens of people posting about this now, but whatever, I'm pissed.

Honestly, I would take advertising on Delicious over closing it down all together.  I have over 5,000 bookmarks saved and, well, looks like that ride is over.  Which is frustrating.  But also confusing because Delicious is a) almost entirely user content (bookmarks!) and b) it's a hugely popular website!  I get that Yahoo is a sinking ship, but why axe one of the sites that's actually successful?  What the hell?

Also, hey?

School is kicking my ass.  I'm doing well, but My God am I paying for it in terms of sleep, stress and sanity.  The Three S's?  Whatever.  I've had to finish three research thesis' in the last four days on top of general finals hell, so I'm burnt out.  Woohoo first day off!

dammit, wait what?

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