Oct 22, 2004 03:49
why can i feel so tired during the day and feel like such crap and not sleep at all for 48 hours and when i finally let myself go to bed and sleep i can't and i'm wide awake???? why?????????
i feel like i have so much on my mind and so much stuff to do. i called in on my first day of work today. i keep sleeping through my spanish class and i had an inclass essay today that i couldnt miss, so i decided i should stay up all night in order to not sleep in and miss class and i did but then i felt shitty all day and so i called into work because i thought i would cry at the prospect of not having eaten all day and having to stand on my feet restocking books and working a register.
i feel like i have so much to do in terms of school stuff and i'm so behind and disorganized that i cant even start on anything and i read so slowly anyway that i can never get ahead because by the time it takes to finish one thing i'm behind on the next week. it takes me about 2-3 hours to read 30 pages and take notes on it and i have assigned more or less 600 pages a week, plus essays and tests.
im a compulsive email checker. and no one ever emails me. its a sad sad thing.
another sad sad thing: i was fiending for some chinese food today and the only thing open in this entire grey-brown ugly city was mcdonalds and there were a bunch of homeless drunk bums sitting outside the door begging who followed me halfway home. it was very unfulfilling and creepy.
i cant believe i'm going to be 20 years old in less than a month. i really dont like it and it kind of freaks me out. i can say "20 years ago...." and reference my life. i'm an old bag lady already. i just need the cat food.
i cut 6 inches off my hair with a pair of fiskars. my mom is paying for an appointment at vidal sasson tomorrow to fix it. im so excited. i wont look like a penis head anymore. thanks mommy!
i'm going to see the roots for the low low price of a can of spaghettios and golly green giant green beans. i'm also going to see the beastie boys for the unaffordable price of $36.95. i'm excited.
i have a tenish page political science paper due in two weeks about the affects of the possibility of china as a superpower or somesuch. it seems like an easy topic but i suck at persuasivey/scientificy/intelligenty/intellectually papers. i also have a spanish text next week.
i don't think i can possibly make my halloween costume of choice in time. so- any suggestions anyone? what should i be for halloween?