Oct 30, 2004 21:50
Something funny happened today. My little brother was outside playing and there was a tin of car oil outside, and I'm assuming he must of thought it was paint or something and got it rubbed it all over his body. Ah, it was so funny. His penis was black, I wanted to take a picture but I was scared of going anywhere near the mother because she was so pissed off. He still has black marks on him because it wouldn't scrub off.
Kids these days...
I'm sick of exams, it'd be better if modern and society and culture were cramped together because having a week off between them is no good for procrastinators.
I'm dreading modern, WW1 I can make crap up for because it's source based questions, but I know crap all about the china study or the arab / israeli conflict. Poo. So I have two days to learn both, it won't happen, but hey. Oh well.
I saw the preview for the new Phantom Of The Opera film when I went to see The Notebook (good ol love stories)the other day, damn it looks beyond great.
Humm.. what else can I discuss to fill up time..