(no subject)

Aug 21, 2004 23:11

They're over! No more assesments set by the school, no more exams set by the school, no more trials, over I tells thee! Such a relief, not that I put much effort into my trials, unless you count setting your phone to wake you up at 5am, then continually pushing the 'sleeper' button every 10 minutes until 7am, then studying for half an hour while watching breakfast TV.

Plus my textiles major was due in this week so that's out of the way, not that I finished it, they could of turned out good if I actually finished them off, but of course I didn't, plus my portfolio was shocking. I'm the biggest procrastinator around, I had nearly a whole year to do that, but of course I leave everything until the last minute. It's not as if I don't have time, I don't work, my social life is pretty much absent, I don't have any other duties or responsibilites, I'm just a idle.

I'll give myself some credit for being a punctual person, if someone tells me to be somewhere at a certain time, I'll be there. However, if I'm given something to do by a certain time, it won't be done until I've had time to think it for ages, contemplate doing what I have to do for even longer, put it off for longer, then realise I have a few hours to do it, stress, then I might start.

I could rant about my impractical, silly ways for ages, however I smell and need showering.

Just for the sake of saying it again, happy birthday, Allie! Go flaunt your ID card like there's no tomorrow!
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