my brother is cooler than yours

Jun 15, 2006 21:31

today, listening to my little brother, i was overcome by the obviousness of just how effing smart he is. sure, sure, everyone thinks their little brother is the best.

but my brother runs his own business.
and is now deciding between whether to get an office, or buy a house.
because his business is succesful enough that he, at a mere 24, can seriously plan to do so.

the things he comes up with for programming are sheer genius. other people MAKE UP technology they don't have, and then hire reza to make it out of thin air. and he DOES IT.

i can barely comprehend so much of what he does, yet he honestly believes he can teach me it all. i know he can't. i'm not anywhere near as smart as him. but i sure am proud of him. way to go reza. you rock.

plus, he's got the cutest little flash kaleidoscope thing ever. click-click here
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