First Football Game of the Semester

Sep 02, 2007 01:46

SCREAMING DRUNKIES. Screaming drunk alumni demanding I drive them to "the nearest titty bar"! Inappropriate propositions! I just want to read my book! I will happily make you new keys or give you toothpaste but I don't "get wild" when there is a Terry Pratchett book to my side, thankyouverymuch.

Very Tired Mother: Come on, Flannery, let's sit down and wait for you Uncle Joe.
Hyperactive Little Girl: Simon says go upstairs!
Very Tired Mother: No, sweetie, we have to wait down here.
Hyperactive Little Girl: Simon says no waiting, let's go upstairs!
Very Tired Mother: Sweetie, it would be mean of us not to say goodbye to Uncle Joe. He'd be awful sad.
Hyperactive Little Girl: SIMON SAYS UNCLE JOE WON'T CARE.
Very Tired Mother: But--
Hyperactive Little Girl: MY WORD IS LAW!!

Okay so that last part didn't happen.

Crazy drunkies, and I has a fever that's progressively getting worse. HOWEVER, my "lunch break" involved eating an amazing bowl of Golden Grahams and watching Futurama. So this job still rules.

aaaaand scene, you people are crazy i say, work

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