So, Freshmen Move-In Weekend. When all the super-entitled parents bring their kids in, take up five parking spots with their U-Hauls, and scream at night auditors for things they can't control. And me with my back thrown out. I've already puked a little bit, had an asthma attack, and sobbed uncontrollably in the manager's office. Er, I mean... silently wept big manly cowboy tears.
And then in two weeks, football season starts. Oh, what fun that will be! I promise not to kill myself.
DISCLAIMER: I do love my job. I just also have the occasional crap night. I'm also awesome at my job, and I shouldn't let some douche with an entitlement complex yelling at me make me think otherwise.
Minor Edit!: It's now about 2AM. Things have calmed down a bit. Kris started rambling at me in a Morgan Freeman voice and I knew I'd be okay.