London MCM Expo - May 2010

Aug 05, 2010 16:59

So... this was a long time in coming and I can't put it off any longer... since it will soon be over a month since the event... SO! Here be my account/review of the London May MCM Expo 2010.

Also, apologies for the size of the photos... lj is being fail...

Yes I am starting with Weds. Why? Cus that was the night before I left for London, XD XD

So Wednesday... I spent the majority of the day packing and being a spazz as I ran around the house, checking that I had everything. (Which I didn't... I only remembered my contact lenses Thursday morning... *facepalm*) I still also had my costume to finish, so once the decoraction on the sleeves was dry I finished off the epaulettes, and sewed on all 48 buttons onto the jacket. Once that was done, I packed my costumes and things, and got everything except my laptop ready to go. Chatted to my KiraKiraGumi girls as usual, and was the last one still online as per usual, XD XD Though that was more to my iPods still charging but once those were done... sleepytimes.

Woke up. Got very VERY excited and ended up bouncing around the house again as I doubled checked everything... and yes, I suddenly remembered my contact lenses... after running back into my room, mentally swearing, I packed them in my bag, packed my laptop and was good to go. XD XD

Arrived at the coach station with pretty much an hour to wait... as per usual. I have this bad habit of getting to places WAY too early, but that's due to my paranoia of being late to things. Anyways, eventually got on the coach, got my iPod out and was well away. The trip was really smooth and well... not very eventful to be honest. But that was fine. XD XD

I was meant to be like the third person to get there, or last depending on when Emi's coach was arriving, but ended up being the first to arrive. I was probably waiting all of 10 minutes before Emi did arrive. Cue lots of hugging and squeeing and giggling, XD XD And finding out what the presents were that she was planning to send us once they arrived. (KiraKiraGumi stickers!!!!!) Whilst we were waiting for Sam and Steph to arrive we snapped a photo of us together and started coach watching.

Every coach that rolled up we were pressing ourselves to the window to see if it was them. Many dissapointed sighs later, another coach rolled up. *concentrated staring* My eyes were on the coach doors... THERE! THERE THEY ARE!!! *flail* I had spotted them. So whilst I started jumping up and down excitedly, Emi got her camera out again and started filming the other two as they collected their luggage.

Then more reunions and hugging and squeeing as you would expect, XD XD Then off we went to tackle the underground with lots of heavy luggage. XD XD We eventually made it to the stop we needed for our first hotel, after much struggling, and then proceeded to sort of get lost as we tried to work out which direction we needed to walk to get to the hotel. Emi was brave and asked someone and after we got pointed in the right direction began the longest walk down the longest road ever... seriously... that road was insanely long. But at the end of it was the hotel, so we all collapsed once in the building.

Was annoyances with the room as they wouldn't let us all stay in the one room. There was four of us, and everyone knows... I'm not exactly big. And according to the website you are allowed three adults in the room with a child 12 and under... providing I hunch etc, I can pass for 12. The guy at the desk seriously did believe I was 12. Also helped I had my cuddly toy with me aswell... yes I still sleep with a cuddly toy... I've had him since I was 11 though so...

Anyways, we had to pay for a second room. So me and Emi were in one room, and Sam and Steph were in the second. We dropped off our heavy luggage, grabbed money and things, and trecked back across London so we could get some food, and so Sam and Steph could go to their concert, they were seeing Hangry&Angry. We went to this American Diner type place and... loved every minute of it!!! Seriously... good value for money there. Though next time we go for a meal... I'm just getting cheesy fries, those were making me very happy, XD XD And I'll have a shake next time too since I didn't have one at all during this expo...

So yes, Cheesy Fries, Dr Pepper and huge burger of huge that I didn't really eat much of... too much food, XD XD Awesome fun times though!! We had discussed having pudding before but due to lack of time Sam, Steph and two of our other friends had to go, cus of the concert. So after paying and saying goodbye to them for a little while me, Emi and one of our other friends had a short walk around the area before hitting the underground again, as their hotel was near ours so we would be travelling back together anyway. Somehow we ended up on the wrong train... well it was the right train... but it was just going in the wrong direction. ^^;; We spotted the mistake after a few stops and eventually managed to get ourselves back on track. Much giggling and laughing occured. XD XD

Cosplaying was discussed throughout most of the journey... and Vocaloid. Not that I could really contribute much to the conversation but I did when I could, XD And of course I brought up the bouncing frog as I called it... The Vocaloid version of the song from Elisabeth... yeah... that cracks me up. Anyways once we said goodbye to our friend, me and Emi went back to our hotel room and sort of exploded on the room... costumes were hung up, mooks were spread out, DVD pile formed on the side, and my laptop was plugged in. Considering we were only staying there the one night... yeah, we settle fast, XD XD Anyways, we debated what to watch for a while and decided on the 2001 Berubara Shinko, since that was the version of Oscar that Emi would be cosplaying on the Saturday. And... Yuu-kun happens to be my favourite Oscar so I was quite happy, ^_^ Add to that Chie!Andre and that makes me a very happy bunny indeed!!

I'm not sure how much time passed but eventually Sam and Steph got back and we then proceeded to sit in their room and squee over mooks and shinies... they also gave me my Graph then too... April 2010. Yes, the one with the Hiromi feature... *cue epic squeeing* Once I got past that page, which took a while, I flicked through the rest of the graph. Yay for Teru-ness and AQUA5-ness. ^_^ So, SO adorable. <3 <3 <3 I also came across the shinko photos from Sword of the Habsburgs... I just about died then. Miyacchi is just too darn cute for words... that girl kills me. Seriously, it must be illegal to be that cute and gorgeous... <3 Awesome graph is awesome and I still can't believe that they bought it for me... I <3 YOU!!!!!

Lots of squeeing later, and after a rather loud rendition of 'Milk' by mainly me and Emi, we decided that maybe we should get some sleep. We were switching hotels the next day so had to be up and checked out by a certain time etc. So we trundled back to our room, ended up chatting for a little while longer and eventually fell asleep around the 2am mark.

I did not sleep well at all in that hotel... I'm a light sleeper and the hotel is very close to train tracks... so every time a train went past it woke me up. And those beds were HARD. My back was not happy. But I was so tired anyway that I tried to sleep as best as I could. Anyways... me and Emi were happily sleeping when suddenly this loud thumping on our door woke us and made us jump out of our skins... I think I muttered something about how it must be either Sam or Steph, but refused to move... so Emi got up and answered the door... it wasn't Sam or Steph at all. I heard this squee from the door and saw Emi hugging whoever it was. It took a while for me to realise just who exactly it was. It was Debbie!! Apparently I squealed... though I can't remember that. But I do remember practically falling out of bed and jumping over my suitcase before launching myself at Debbie for a very long overdue hug.

Much squeeing occured then when I was checking my phone and deleting spam emails. I don't know what made me do it but I decided to check takawiki randomly... that was when I had found out that Kimu had been announced as top. More squeeing and letting everyone know... including Debbie... she just kind of sat there in shock for a while... was so adorable, XD XD Anyways we got dressed, packed up again and travelled over to hotel number 2, where we deposited our luggage.

It was on the way there that we ran into madfruitbat, Matt and Pouncey. Again I launched myself at madfruitbat and hugged her tightly. Debbie ended up hugging her at the same time so we were a pile of hugs, XD XD Got fed a cookie which was nommy... and found out that the apartment they were meant to be staying in had already been given to someone else so they had been given the largest apartment instead without any extra cost. Pouncey then said that if we needed it, there was plenty of space there for us to sleep... me and Debbie decided to take them up on the offer, seeing as otherwise we would be squeezing three people into two person rooms and risking being thrown out. And after the mess at the first hotel we decided not to risk it. So yeah... me and Debbie would be sleeping at the apartments on a night.

Anyways, back to the story, ;) So we said goodbye to them for now and dropped our stuff off at Hotel 2, before heading back out to go get breakfast!!! We went back to the diner... everyone else had pancakes but I didn't... I had an omelette... that omelette was the nicest omelette I had ever eaten. And I was so sad that I couldn't eat it all... I will eat a whole one one day!! Maybe next time!! XD XD Anyways lots of funtimes over breakfast happenned including the creation of the happy egg... and it's death, which included the almost yelling of 'IT'S GIVING BIRTH' as the yolk escaped... I died. I think we all died actually, XD XD

After leaving the diner, we had to go collect Emi's friend from the train station who would be rooming with us. So we trecked back across London again, and after creating a KiraKiraGumi chain to get through the crowd, managed to get to the platform we were meeting Richard on. We greeted very tall Richard, who had a very tall bow aswell some other luggage, before tackling the underground once more so we could get back to the hotel and check in etc. We dragged our luggage up to the rooms, exploded on said rooms again, before leaving Richard there whilst the rest of us went out to collect some last minute cosplay bits. Not that we managed to get everything we needed but we got most of it, ^_^

We eventually ate again at like 9pm I think it was... and McDonalds of all things, but it was food and it was cheap, and it was enough to sort of satisfy us. After this we made our back to the hotel, picked up Richard, as well as my laptop, before going over to the apartments. There me and Debbie got to work rehearsing our masquerade skit, whilst everyone else drank... Though first I treat everyone to the awesomeness that is 'The Final Countdown' sung in Japanese... loudly... That never gets old!! XD

I can't remember how long we were there for exactly but eventually it got to the point where I was starting to get stressed out about the routine (I like to rehearse things perfectly a few times before finishing, which we hadn't done), Debbie was starting to get stressed out about her costume, and everyone else was distracted and sort of distracting me and Debbie... so we called it quits and returned to the hotel.

My laptop came back with me, and after me and Debbie grabbed our costumes out of our suitcases and our sewing supplies and things, I pulled out my Je T'aime DVD and we all proceeded to watch 'Miroirs'. That is one of my most favourite revues... <3 But yes, I was only paying half attention cus I was attaching epaulettes to the shoulders of my jacket. Though whilst I was doing that... THE DARN THINGS WERE FALLING APART!!! Cue me starting to swear and getting highly annoyed... I was talking to my jacket and calling it all the names under the sun, as some of the things I had glued were starting to come unstuck... ^^;; I managed to get one done before me and Debbie had to return to the apartments so we could sew into the night as late as we needed to.

So we bade goodnight to everyone else then, including my laptop so they could finish watching Miroirs, and trecked across the bridge with our costumes. Me and Debbie briefly ran into one of our friends we had met the previous year there, had a quick chat before continuing on to the apartments. We hadn't realised how late it was at this point, and unfortunately we hadn't been given a key either... so I had to ring Heather up, which woke her, and she got Matt to come down and let us in. I felt so guilty for waking Heather. We honestly hadn't realised how late it was!! I apologised so much for it the next days after, ^^;;

Anyways, Matt went back to bed, and me and Debbie got to work finishing our costumes, and fixing in my case, whilst watching the AQUA5 Concert. We eventually finished around... 3/4am? I know it was really early and we were both absolutely shattered. So we made our bed... meaning we pushed the two sofas together, got ready for bed before collapsing under the two duvets we had been given. It was cold so we were glad to have those two layers, XD XD We eventually both fell asleep... before waking at like 7.30 I think it was the next day.

Yay for lack of sleep!! Debbie's alarm went off nice and early, and we fell out of bed again and at least tried to make ourselves look semi-presentable... meaning... we got dressed, brushed our hair, brushed our teeth and that was it, XD XD We had to go meet Sam and Steph so the three of them could buy their tickets. I had bought a weekend e-ticket a week before and Emi had a merchant pass or whatever it's called. So it was just Debbie, Sam and Steph to get tickets.

Anyways we met them outside, all of us still half asleep and entered the excel centre... where we were met with a queue... for the queue. Seriously... a queue for a queue... it is actually quite funny when you think about it but yeah at the time, you just get bored and fed up of all the waiting. Anyways after much waiting they eventually opened up the ticket stalls for those who needed to buy their tickets, so the other three left me in the queue so they could go and buy their tickets.

That was when I was like 'Ok, so I likely won't see them again until inside the expo hall, okies.' and we had sort of agreed on me waiting for them after I got through, and them ringing me or something. I can't remember exactly now... Anyways, we didn't have to worry about that in the end, cus the queue to buy tickets went through fairly quickly and they were allowed to rejoin our queue. Technically they were meant to go to the back but since I was already in the queue, they just rejoined me, XD XD

Anyways we eventually made our way into the ticket hall again, got our wristbands and gift bags and then proceeded to go into the expo hall so Sam and Steph could get tickets for the masquerade and so me and Debbie could go sign in at the cosplay desk for the masquerade.

The expo hall was... as per usual, absolutely heaving with people, and it had just opened. But then we weren't surprised by this to be honest as it was like this the previous year so... we were more used to diving through the people in our attempts to get to the cosplay desk. We found it eventually, caught up with some friends before me and Debbie checked in for the masquerade and checked our music. I don't think Joe who was sorting the music or any of us was expecting the track to be so loud cus suddenly the voice of Mizu was surrounding us... making us all jump a mile, XD XD

After much giggling, and checking when we needed to back to start queueing, we made our way back outside. We split again then as the girls went straight back to the hotel and me and Debbie went back to the apartments to pick up our costumes so we could all change together. We quickly grabbed our costumes which we had finished only hours before, trudged back over to the hotel where we quickly changed.

Everyone else had gone into Emi and Richard's room and I was left in the other to change... which was good in a way as I did fall over a few times in my attempt to get into my dance tights and leggings, XD XD Gravity wanted to be friends apparently, XD XD Anyways I eventually managed to get into my costume and was trying to pin on my medals one of the gold bits pinged off... I was not amused... I had lost a bit of a medal before even leaving the room!! And I couldn't even find the thing either so I couldn't repair it.

After much pouting I grabbed everything I needed from that room and went to join everyone else in the other room. There I got Sam, I think, to pin on the medal that had to go under my chin... it was too high for me to see to do it myself, XD XD Rudolf was being dressed by Fersen... much much amusement, XD XD

Anyways that was when we were all queued up so Emi could do all our hair and make up. Seriously, Emi is so awesome... and she did it all so perfect!! We're gonna have to manage without her for Amecon but we'll do it somehow... anyways, back to expo. Emi did all our hair and make up, and we after checking we had everything we needed we finally departed from the hotel.

Emi was cosplaying as Oscar; Steph was cosplaying as Andre; Sam was cosplaying as Fersen; all from Berubara, obviously, XD XD And Debbie was cosplaying as Der Tod and I was cosplaying as Rudolf from Elisabeth 2007. Lots of shinyness, ^_^

We got stopped a few times on our way to the expo hall for photos which was fun. A lot more people than October when me and Emi got stopped twice? XD XD Anyways we got to the hall and decided that food was needed. Emi and Debbie grabbed baguettes, whilst me, Sam and Steph grabbed sandwiches. After nomming we wandered around the Excel centre a bit, went and took some pictures outside before running into some more of our friends.

After much more squeeing... and me getting kidnapped by numerous people... XD XD It was time to head back into the expo hall so we could prepare for the masquerade. Emi, Sam and Steph went to queue for their seats, and me and Debbie went to queue backstage. We got put in our order, and began the long wait for whilst they set things up and got the crowd going. Thankfully we were stood near some of our friends again so we ended up having a good old chat with them backstage... I ended up getting kidnapped again... My height makes it easy for people to steal me... not that I mind, I tend to end up in heaps of giggles, XD XD

Anyways shortly before the masquerade was to start, Debbie asked if she could go use the loo... and so I was abandoned for a few minutes whilst she went and did that. Meanwhile I had a natter with one of our friends whilst I tried not to get too nervous... I failed of course, but Mike kept me calm bless him, XD XD Then Debbie got back and the masquerade began. The time we were waiting to go shot by, and soon enough we were the next ones on... *cue epic nerves and panicking*

I had to be first on stage again... so far I've always been the first to walk on stage as far as I can remember... XD XD Anyways I got up there and the skit began!! There was a few mistakes but we worked through them and managed to pull off a decent performance. I was quite proud when we were finished, ^_^

Here is a video of our skit, if you havn't seen it already... ^_^

image Click to view

Our skit starts about half way through that video. Thankfully we were on fairly early in the masquerade so once we were finished we were able to sit and watch the rest of it. There was some amazing stuff this year and so wish I had my camera with me. Sadly Lucheni (my camera) didn't even leave my suitcase... poor guy. Maybe I'll use him more at Amecon... XD XD

Anyways yes, we were able to sit and watch the rest of the masquerade and got to see all the other skits I think, maybe bar one? Anyways, the end of the masquerade came and they started to announce the winners. They did some of the categorys and gave out some judge's awards and then came the Best Performance Category... our category. Now me and Debbie had pretty much resigned ourselves to the fact that we wouldn't win. Takarazuka is not exactly well known in the UK and chances of us winning was slim. So when Joe called our name as the winners... we just looked at each other with shock. Emi, Sam and Steph were all cheering for us, and we eventually got ourselves back on stage to join the other winners and to collect our certificates.

The rest of the winners were announced... including our first representitive for the EuroCosplay Championships. And the Masquerade was over!! We were jumped on once we were off stage and it was all finished. Got so many hugs, and talked to a few of our other friends too. We eventually got out of the masquerade area and had to go collect our prizes from the cosplay desk. There we bumped into even more of our friends, and after a lot of bouncing and congratulating made our way outside so we could head on over to the apartments to take some pictures in front of the green screen.

On the way there though we got stopped for pictures again. And congratulated a lot... The whole time I think me and Debbie had grins on our faces... we just couldn't believe that we had won. Having people talk to us about our costumes and ask how we did them etc. To get awesome feedback, and to hear people say that they were going to keep an eye out for stuff we did in the future... so amazing. And such a confidence boost. Seriously!!

Anyways, we eventually got back to the apartments, and managed to persuade Pounce into taking some photos of our group etc, and some single/double/triple shots etc. I unfortunately didn't manage to get any solo shots of me as Rudolf, but we did get some awesome group shots.

After that we went back to the hotel so we could change out of costume and go and grab some food. We debated over what to eat for a while, before finally deciding on going to the Chinese place within Custom House. We didn't have far to walk then at all. XD XD So we got there, sat around the table and had fun times nomming on Chinese food. Nice and cheap too... I paid £7 for my meal in total, including my drink, ^_^

Anyways after that we split ways. I was dropped off at the apartments, and everyone else went out to drink. Since I don't drink alcohol, I just stayed with everyone else at the apartments and had a good giggle over the photos Pounce took of our skit during the masquerade. I'm not gonna post them here but those on my facebook would have seen them... like the one of me in the middle of falling to my knees... where I'm starting to crouch with a pained look on my face... yeah... apparently I get way too into the acting side of skits and end up pulling the most intense and hilarious faces, XD XD

Eventually Sam, Steph and Debbie returned. Got informed of what had happened at the bar. Before Sam and Steph returned to the hotel and me and Debbie made our bed up again and went to sleep ready for the next day.

Woke up and got dressed before falling out the door again to meet up with Sam and Steph, so the three of them could buy their tickets again. No extra long queue this time!! But instead we did get seperated... I joined the prepaid early entry queue within the zigzag, whereas the other three had to wait in the normal early entry queue.

I wound up being stood near some friends so when we were on the corner and pretty much next to each other I would have a chat with them. The rest of the time I spent craning my neck trying to spot the other three, XD XD Eventually they opened up the hall and my queue was let in first. Once I was through I sat myself down to wait for the others.

Within this time I spotted some of my other friends so grabbed them for a quick hug and hello before having to return back to my seat and stuff. Was probably waiting around half an hour or something before the others got through. Their queue hadn't been let through until mine was completely clear...

Anyways, from there we decided to grab some food before heading back to the hotel to change. Emi and Steph were cosplaying from Onisama-e, Debbie was Sailor Venus, and me and Sam were cosplaying from Rio de Bravo. There was some drama and freak out whilst getting ready this day. Lack of time and all that... but anyways, Emi and Steph went to collect our friend Chrissy and bring her back to the hotel... she got back to witness tears... ^^;; But once the tears were over, and we finished getting ready. We left the hotel and went back across to the Excel Centre. There we got photo happy again...

We were planning on going to see the Masquerade but unfortunately ran out time, and couldn't get in on time. So instead we wandered around the expo hall, getting grabbed by friends for hugs and things, XD XD We also got stopped by a photographer and he took some pics of us all individually. Here be mine:

Anyways we sat and ate again, watched some clips back of the masquerade, and chatted. Afterwards we went back to the hotel to take some photos to send to Mizu. She was the reason we switched our original cosplay plans and did Rio de Bravo cosplay... in honor of her and her retirement, ^_^ Here have another photo...

It was only after I was home and looking through the photos that I realised I didn't have my gloves on... FAIL!!! *facepalm* I'm still kicking myself over that.

Anyways after that we changed out of our costumes and went to get more food... we ended up at the Chinese place again, ^^;; It was nice there... nomnomnom... After that we wandered around places to say goodbye to some of our friends. Lots of hugs etc. We then went back to the hotel and ended up having a squee session before we all sat and watched Brothers Karamazov... <3 I think I suceeded in creeping everyone out again as we were watching... ^^;; Was fun though!!

And after it finished me and Debbie returned to the apartment, and crashed onto our make-shift bed again. XD XD

Urgh... this day was so full of drama... and crying... and urgh. I did not like Monday at all...

We woke up a little late, and hurried over to collect our cases from the hotel to bring them back to the apartment. That was when we had to say goodbye to Richard cus he was leaving straight away... First of the goodbyes for that day... *sighs*

After that Emi, Sam, Steph and Chrissy all went off into London to do... something... I think they were gonna go shopping or something. I'm not sure. Me and Debbie stayed at the hotel so we could hang out with Minxie, Fruitbat and Co some more, and cus we were way too tired to trek around London.

It was actually Fruitbat's birthday aswell, as we got to see her open her presents and wish her happy birthday etc, ^_^ We also watched Rio de Bravo aswell... which was awesome, and much squeeing was had... just between me and Debbie!! XD XD We also discussed some other cosplays we wanted to do etc.

Anyways, something went wrong somewhere and we all ended up missing our coaches... yep. All of us. I ended up caught in the middle of lots of angry and upset people since my phone was the middle point... was not fun. Never again. Anyways... Emi, Sam and Steph got back to the apartments eventually, and worked out that they could get trains home. I had no hope of getting a train and was completely freaking out how to get home. That was then Pounce, being so incredibly awesome and generous offered me a lift. Everyone at the apartment would be leaving the following day, and it would be no problem for me to stay the extra night etc. Seriously... I have the most awesome friends sometimes...

But yes, we all somehow sorted out other transport home, before the four of them had to leave to get their trains... *cue mega sad and upset me* Seriously... standing outside the apartments and saying goodbye to them all... It didn't help that Debbie was first to say goodbye to me then cus I just crumbled and ended up crying... ^^;; So of course I was then crying when saying goodbye to the other three... Gah... I miss them all so much... Watching them drive off in the taxi... I hated being left behind... seriously...

I also didn't get to say goodbye to Chrissy properly either... *sadface*

Anyways after my KiraKiraGumi girls were gone, I was pretty much sheperded back into the apartment where I was hugged nearly to death by Minxie and Fruitbat, <3 After I was let go we went out to eat, before returning to the apartments. Minxie then showed me the first Dr Who episode since I had actually missed it... awesome episode was awesome, ^_^

We then all congregated on 'my bed' and watched the new Sherlock Holmes film. ^_^ I did get teary whilst watching cus I was getting texts from my girls saying they had gotten home etc. I was already missing them like mad. It was a good film though, ^_^ And once it had finished I ended up chatting to Ed about the differences between American cons and English expos etc, XD XD Eventually we got tired, and he troddled off to his room and I crashed out under my two duvets... XD XD

Another sad day... cus I had to say goodbye to everyone else!! I hate going home after events... I end up missing everyone so much!!!

There was a mass of hugs in the lobby of the apartments before we all went our seperate ways to get coaches, trains and cars. It was definitely interesting going home in a car... cus we took a different route to the coach one that I'm used to... we went through Lambeth... I had a good giggle at this, being the MeMai-tard that I am, XD XD It took us a while to get out of London but once we hit the motorway we were fine. ^_^ Me and Pounce had a good old chat about Studio Ghibli and Final Fantasy and things... we also chatted about Cats and Starlight Express too... and I did fall asleep at one point aswell and was probably out for half an hour or so? I was tired... :P

Anyways, I got home, and crashed... and immediately went online to let everyone know I was home safe etc and to tell them how much I was missing them, XD XD

And that was my account of expo... Sorry it took so long!!! And if you really did read all that then you deserve an award or something... XD XD

Before I leave you all in peace though... here have some crack photos!!

And that's it, ^_^ Good time was had, and I enjoyed myself immensely... (I still can't believe we won) XD XD Amecon is in a week... and no doubt I'll be posting about that once I'm back... hopefully I won't take as long to post about it, ^^;;


review, friends, real life, ayana oto, elisabeth, mizu natsuki, rio de bravo, cosplay, cons

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