Title: A Moment of Peace
Fandom: Elisabeth
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Elmer/Rudolf
Synopsis: Crown Prince Rudolf and Elmer Battyhany spend some time alone together.
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me, I am merely borrowing them for the purpose of this fic.
It was late when Elmer finally got home. He tiredly closed the door behind him, discarded his Outdoor coat on a hook and made his way into the living room where he depositied the armful of papers he was carrying onto the coffee table. It was lucky that they knew the owner of the cafe personally otherwise they would not have been allowed to have stayed so late.
Not that they all had done. Rudolf had had to leave first. Elmer wasn't sure why, but he knew the Crown Prince had the most to loose if he was caught. So they had let him go without complaint. Gradually everyone else had left too leaving the four revolutionaries. Not that Stephan nor Jura had had much to say in the discussion they were having. It had basically progressed into Elmer and Zeps quarrelling, and the other two had quickly bid farewell.
Zeps was being a stubborn fool. He just would not listen to anything Elmer had to say, and it frustrated him to no end. He was meant to be the leader of their group, everyone looked to him as the leader. But Zeps refused to see Elmer as such. The old gentlemen was quite insistant on himself being the leader. Which Elmer would have been fine with, if only Zeps had the right attitude for it. But he didn't. Zeps's answer to everything was violence. Even all his reports and articles ended up talking about violence being the answer. But that was not the way to solve anything. First they had to get enough people to see the light and join them in their fight for their country. Right now they didn't stand any chance at all of being successful. But Zeps would not hear of it and kept shouting Elmer down.
And now, the revolutionary leader just felt exhausted. He had basically had to tell the older gentlemen to just go home and they would discuss it again another time. Not that he particularly wanted to continue it with Zeps, but he knew the enthusiast would not give up without a fight. Until then though, Elmer just wanted to sleep. Unfortunately he still had some paperwork to sort out.
After fixing himself a cup of coffee, he returned to the living room and sat himself on the sofa, picking up the first report from the stack. This was going to be a long night, maybe even an all-nighter. Sighing tiredly, he stretched his back until he heard a soft click before he relaxed back into the soft cushion and began to read. It wasn't long though before his tiredness caught up with him and he gradually fell asleep.
Rudolf was annoyed. Rudolf was very annoyed. He was so annoyed in fact that he had thrown caution to the wind and had left the palace at this time of night. He didn't care though. And he knew his father wouldn't really care either. If he was caught, he'd only get a lecture about how he was setting a bad example to the people and how they would look down on him. The whole thing just made Rudolf snort with disbelief. If only his father knew where he went during the day.
His father, and his meetings with his father was his biggest source of annoyance currently. Every time the two of them were in the same room, they butted heads, and more often than not resulted in shouting matches. And it was getting on his nerves. Why couldn't his father just listen to him instead of shouting him down? If only his mother was here, his father always listened to everything she said. But she wasn't, so Rudolf had to confront the Emporer himself. But it always ended the same way, both of them shouting at each other before one of them stormed off. This time it had been Rudolf. He had just gotten too frustrated with the whole thing that he had just fled.
And now here he was, stalking the streets in the darkness of night. He wasn't even sure of where he was headed. He was just allowing his feet to walk, wherever they may take him. He was surprised to find he recognised the street he had just turned into though. He hadn't intended on it but he had made his way to where Elmer lived. Rudolf had no idea if Elmer would welcome company at this time of night, but then he had said to the Crown Prince that he was always welcome at any time of the day or night.
He had even told him where the spare key was kept. Stephan and Jura had had their own keys cut for Elmer's place a long time ago. It was much easier for the revolutionaries to all use the same house as a base sometimes, when people became suspicious of them at the cafe. But Rudolf had refused to accept his own key, due to the worry of someone finding it. The last thing he wanted was for Elmer and the others to get caught, arrested and tried for treason. He couldn't bear it if anything happenned to them.
Walking up the path, Rudolf hesitated a moment before digging around for the spare key behind the oddly shaped giant plant that hid it. Feeling the cold feel of metal against his fingers, he smiled triumphantly as he stood himself back up and proceeded to the front door, key in hand. As he put the key in the lock he was a little confused by the small amount of light he could see from inside through the window. Was Elmer still awake? He quietly pushed open the door, stepped into the house and closed it behind him.
There was definitely a light coming from the living room. Unable to stop his curiosity, Rudolf placed the key he was holding onto the small table by the door before removing his outdoor coat and hanging it next to Elmer's. He then proceeded to slowly walk into the living area where he stopped with an amused smile on his lips from the sight that greeted him. There was Elmer, sat on the sofa, a piece of paper was clutched in his hand but his head was leant against the back of the cushion and his eyes were shut. Creeping closer Rudolf could definitely hear the tell-tale sound of deep breathing. Elmer was asleep.
Rudolf chuckled quietly to himself before walking around the sofa and removing the piece of paper from the revolutionary's hand. He placed it on the top of the stack that sat on the table next to them before turning back to face Elmer. He looked so peaceful, and Rudolf could not stop himself from reaching out a hand and gently stroking the side of the sleeping man's face. He smiled before stepping back and went to find a blanket. He couldn't have Elmer getting cold now.
It didn't take him long to find said blanket, he just grabbed the one off of Elmer's bed. As his fingers made contact with the material he couldn't help but bring the blanket up to his face. It was so soft, no wonder it had made itself at home on Elmer's bed. He was silently thrilled to note that the blanket was actually the same shade of blue that his military jacket was. As a small smile grew on Rudolf's face, he returned to the living room and carefully draped the blanket over his sleeping friend.
However, as he was doing so, said sleeping friend was no longer asleep. Elmer had felt something covering him and had awakened. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Rudolf stood before him. He blinked a few times before sitting upright and laying a hand on the Crown Prince's outstretched arm. "My Prince, what are you doing here at this time of night?"
Rudolf quirked an eyebrow before replying. "Do I need a reason to come and see you, Elmer?" He asked.
Elmer flushed slightly as he removed his hand and returned it to his lap. "No, of course not. It's just unusual at this time of night."
The younger man chuckled gently as he sat himself down on the sofa, next to the revolutionary. "In all honesty, Elmer, I found it unbearable to stay at home in the palace and I found myself seeking your companionship. I hope that's ok?" He asked as he gently took hold of Elmer's hand.
"Of course it's ok." Elmer answered, giving the Crown Prince's hand a gentle squeeze. They had never really defined the relationship the two of them had had. It was definitely more than friendship. But what exactly did they have? It was looking like the same closeness that Stephan and Jura had with each other, and what Elmer had used to have with Stephan also. They were both too scared to call it love, but, they both knew that that was what in fact it was. How they had gotten like this, they could not remember. But now whenever they were parted their hearts longed to be together again.
Rudolf smiled up at Elmer as he softly snuggled into the older man's side. That was it, he decided. He wasn't going anywhere for a while now. He was inside, safe, with the man he adored, and they were snuggled up warmly on the sofa. Rudolf didn't think it could get any better. That is until Elmer put his arm around the Crown Prince and brought him in even closer to his body.
They both sighed happily before Rudolf reached a hand up and stroked the other man's face once more. His fingers trailing down Elmer's jawline before locking behind his neck to bring his face down so Rudolf could softly press his lips to the revolutionary's. Elmer happily responded by placing his arm behind Rudolf's back to support him, his other hand resting against the Prince's cheek.
They stayed in that position for a few minutes before Rudolf began to push Elmer backwards until he was led on the sofa. They parted momentairly, both sucking in the air they had denied their lungs, happy smiles spread on their faces. Rudolf winked down at Elmer as he began to gently stroke his face once more. His fingers however did not stop when they reached the other man's collar, instead they proceeded to gently pull away his neck scarf, which ended up discarded on the floor. Next the buttons of Elmer's shirt were slowly unbuttoned, allowing Rudolf's hands permission to access his Elmer's torso.
As his hands reached around to Elmer's back, his lips were captured once more in another loving kiss, and Rudolf pulled his body in closer to Elmer's. The revolutionary had managed to remove his prince's military jacket and was now feeling around on the floor below them. Feeling his fingers grasp what he had been looking for, he quickly pulled the blanket up over the both of them, before returning his attention back to his Prince. The paperwork remained on the coffee table.
"I wonder what time he and Zeps finally called it a night, last night? They had been arguing for atleast an hour or two before we left." Stephan mused as he put his key into the lock.
"I'm not sure. But knowing how stubborn both of them are, late, I'd imagine." Jura nodded, as the door to Elmer's house was opened and both the revolutionaries entered the hallway.
Jura glanced around as Stephan closed the door and deposited his key back into his pocket. Something on the wall caught his eye, however. There hung next to Elmer's coat was another. The coat was familiar but Jura couldn't quite remember where he had seen it before. Shrugging it off he quietly followed Stephan into the living room, where he almost collided with his love who had stopped dead in his tracks.
"Stephan! What-" He began, but was cut off as Stephan quickly turned and pressed a finger to his lips. Jura narrowed his eyebrows questioningly at the other man, who meerly nodded his head in the direction of the sofa.
Glancing over Jura thought his eyes would fall out of their sockets at the sight that greeted him. There, led on the sofa, both half dressed, was none other than their friend and revolutionary leader, Elmer Battyhany with Crown Prince Rudolf led on top of him. They were snuggled in tight to each other.
Jura could not stop the smile from spreading on his face as he looked at them. Both of the sleeping men had small smiles of peace and contentment on their faces. It was about time, he thought. After all the stress and work both of them had to endure daily, all of the worrying, they needed some time to just be with each other, and be happy. Jura looked back to Stephan who meerly nodded at him, signalling both of them to turn and silently exit the house, leaving the two sleeping lovers in each other's arms. They would return later, but for now they would leave them in peace.