I haven't exactly been tagged, but I'm stealing them from my flist.
Ten Fictional Characters I Would Have Hot Steamy Sex With:
I blush at this because it's so obviously unbalanced.
1. Spike. Duh.
2. Xander. Duh again.
3. Wesley. Books, moral ambiguity, accent, emotional damage and all. Grrrowr.
4. Mal Reynolds. Hot! And slightly morally ambiguous, and slightly damaged. Are we seeing a pattern here? I think I mostly want to sleep with Joss' mind. But not Joss.
5. Neo. Yeah, yeah, stop laughing. I like Keanu, okay? And I love Neo through all three of the movies, even when he's having Ted moments ("Whoa"), and whether in or out of the Matrix he is way sexy.
6. Westley (Princess Bride). True love conquers all!
7. Legolas. No, really. I've been in love with him since, like, forever. Since I read the books age 8 or so. Before I knew what sex was. This has nothing to do with Orlando (though I suppose I wouldn't say no.)
8. Lancelot du Lac. Again, this way predates the recent popular movie.
9. Dave Jones. Webcomic character from CRFH!!! Okay, so that's pretty weird. But the guy is cute, troubled, smart, skinny, shares part of his soul with his cat, and has laser vision. What's not to love?
10. Tank Girl. I have such a crush on her. I'm not into women, but if I were looking for someone to initiate me into the wonders of girlsex, she'd be the chick of choice. I'd follow her around and drool and be her sidekick.
I refrain from titling it the "Top Ten" because I know I'm forgetting myriad options, and I reserve the right to edit later! :)
And from
Ten Fictional Characters I Wouldn't Sleep With Even If You Paid Me:
Like Entre, I've tried to include the non-obvious ("mingers", in local parlance). For instance, I left off Clem.
1. Lindsey. This was a tough call, CK's hot, but Lindsey is just *too* unsafe.
2. Batman. In any incarnation.
3. Cyclops (X-Men). His attitude just pisses me off. I don't know what Jean Grey sees in him.
4. James Bond. Bad news.
5. Faith. Scary.
6. Buffy. Possibly even scarier, oddly enough. Way way too much baggage.
7. Draco Malfoy. I mean, obviously I'm considering a post-canon, legal-age Draco, and he's stunningly beautiful and intelligent. But the evil and the bad attitude are not on. And the superiority complex. Plus he wouldn't have me anyway, I'm a Muggle with a vague resemblance to Ginny Weasley.
8. Simon Tam. Which is odd, because he's totally the type I'd normally go for - but his relationship with River is just a bit too...intense.
9. Jim (Sentinel). I just don't get the attraction. He does not do it for me.
10. Aragorn. The man can't relax. And again with the superiority.
cordelianne and