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Comments 24

amberdreams November 15 2012, 19:21:28 UTC
Gah!!!!!!!! I love this so much I wanted it to be much much longer even though it was kind of perfect this way.

But there is room for a sequel, right? And timestamp/flashbacks of Cas watching Sam and Dean kicking demon code ass from before, and all manner of goodly things....


electricalgwen November 18 2012, 01:38:07 UTC
Oh, yay! Thank you! Very flattering that you wanted more. :)

I wouldn't have minded it being longer, if I hadn't had to come up with the time to write it. :P There is definitely scope for timestamps, yes. Also, one thing the artist mentioned wanting was Castiel teaching Dean how to be a program, and I am all over the idea of further exploring human vs. program (a la Dollhouse, Asimov, etc.)...so hopefully that will come along eventually, though who knows when. I am not super with timestamps, alas.


brutti_ma_buoni November 15 2012, 22:16:00 UTC
Oh holy shit, this is amazing. Brain-bending and complex and just wonderful. Canon, twisted just enough that it almost makes a new kind of sense, except that nothing about the Matrix quite makes sense.


electricalgwen November 18 2012, 01:39:53 UTC
*blush* Thank you so much! That piece of art really jumped out at me - so many neat, mind-bending possibilities. I'm really glad you enjoyed this. :D


tabaqui November 17 2012, 02:37:43 UTC
Oh, this was very different and interesting! I love it. Sad that Sam can't remember his rl brother, though - hopefully they'll be able to fix that.

But i love them on a ship, in statis, travelling, waiting - living out countless lives....

The 'Destination' numbers were somehow...lonely, and a little chilling. So very far away from everything.

Good stuff!


electricalgwen November 18 2012, 01:46:44 UTC
That's neat, the way you saw the numbers. I didn't think much about them - I needed a way to break up sections, and with all the time-dilation effects, using dates/times wasn't going to work out - I did a bit of math and rough guessing about where they were headed and the numbers were hard to wrap my head around.

I hadn't really thought about fixing Sam, tbh. The idea that there are now two Deans - one who doesn't remember his Matrix life, one who is entirely computer-based now, and Sam's reaction to the outside!Dean - was something the artist and I got excited about. I figure that Sam and outside!Dean will have an interesting and confusing time learning about each other. But actually, it could work very well, having Sam's brain slowly remembering. Maybe it's just the shock of download: he's not completely overwritten/erased, just temporarily offline... :D

Thanks for the lovely - and inspirational! - comment. (Also, LOVE your icon. <3 )


tabaqui November 18 2012, 15:25:07 UTC
I'm a fix-it kind of person, i have to admit. I'm going with 'Sam's past gradually comes back to him'. I'll even toss in a little of my own - Dean has dreams about his Matrix life sometimes and they talk about it.

Yes, yes, even my paper 'friends' must be happy!

Thanks! The icon is by nyxocity.


electricalgwen November 23 2012, 03:05:09 UTC
I am such a sucker for happy endings. I like your ideas. :)


namichan89 November 18 2012, 22:11:01 UTC
Great fic! I loved it, especially all the technobabble :D


electricalgwen November 20 2012, 00:50:26 UTC
Thank you! I had fun with that. :)


angeltrap November 20 2012, 21:04:07 UTC
Hot damn, I adore you so much for writing this. *___* I've been craving for a SPN-Matrix fusion for ages, and it only got worse after I re-watched the movies a few weeks ago, and then bam - this wonderful thing is here! Totally loving how you took both concepts and spun them into a completely new one, too - as much as I love the original Matrix, the spaceship thing and the complete luciferness of Lucy's agenda and the Awakening and the heartbreak of Dean only remembering before-Sam and Sam only remembering virtual-Dean... So much better than a simple rewrite, and since even a simple rewrite would've made me a very happy gal, this makes me SO MANY KINDS OF HAPPY.

Lucifer as a megalomaniac rogue program, Cas kind of going Agent Smith except doing it right, Angels instead of Agents, Chuck the Programmer, and Sam and Dean being the only ones to be hunters in every cycle = <3 Also, Mary being a program and John glimpsing the truth when she was destroyed was kind of sad (what were their parents like in their original lives, I wonder?) but ( ... )


electricalgwen November 23 2012, 03:08:51 UTC
Definitely! :D Heaven only knows when I'll get around to writing them, but there is a lot of scope here, particularly for a sequel.

Thank you SO much for such an amazing comment, it made my day! I got super-excited about the possibilities of the art prompt, and it was fun to map the worlds onto each other. I'm seriously delighted that it worked so well for you. <3


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