The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss (2007)
by Claire Nouvian
256 pages - University of Chicago Press
A picture-book of the many strange, colourful creatures that reside in the lower depths of the world's oceans. Along with a lot of stunning photography, there are short written pieces by various scientists, and short descriptions for each photo. It's really stunning to see how different are some of the creatures that share the same planet with us.
Though the photos are stunning, I think whomever was in charge of the text should be chopped up and fed to the creatures that this book is about. Firstly, all of it including the dense paragraphs by the contributors, is in the same awkward over-stylized sans-serif font. There's also a lot of difficult to read white text on black background, which makes the book feel like some 14-year-old wannabe-hacker's web page. Additionally, the author is from France, and though her english is understandable, she does often twist it into sentences that are either incoherent, or actually say something different than what she is trying to express.
So, the photos are awesome, but I the accompanying text is mostly frustrating.