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About You...
Name - Emily Perez
Nick Name - Usually my name with another unrelated word attached to it. Like Emface, & Emshe. Emmy Dilemma is what I call myself. In person, it's usually just Em.
Birthday - May 17, 1989.
Age - 16.
Age you wish you were - 18.
Gender- Female.
Birthplace - Tulsa, OK.
Current Location - Living room.
Eye Color - Green, sometimes grey.
Haircolor - Light brown.
Height - 5'2".
Sexuality- straight
What grade are you in - Soon to be junior in high school.
Zodiac Sign - Taurus. A stubborn, hotheaded, sympathetic, romantic hardass.
Do You...
Smoke - Not on a regular basis. Smoked pot twice.
Swear - Constantly. I dont put much thought into it.
Sing - In the shower, in my room, in my head, & in silence.
Drink - Water mostly, but sometimes Mountain Dew. I am alwaysss up for herbal tea, lol.
Want to go to College - Yeah, I suppose. Most likely if I get some kind of scholarship.
Want to get Married - Eventually.
Belive in yourself - For the most part. I'm pretty straightforward & confident, but I'm easily shot down if caught at the right moment.
Think you are Attractive - Sometimes, when people tell me I am even though I don't believe them wholly.
Get along with your parents - Not really, but I get along with Dad far more than Mom.
Like thunderstorms - Fucking love them.
Play an instrument - Yes.
If yes, what one(s) - Guitar, bass, & probably some others but I don't play them enough to remember.
Consider yourself tolerant of others - Depends on what degree of stupidty they've reached that day.
Trust others easily - Yeah.
What do you like most about your body - My eyes. & Maybe my legs.
Least - My feet, bleh I hate feet. Midsection.
Are you a health freak - I am vegan, but I'm not a total health freak. I break out the snacks here & there & bumming on the couch should be a sport & I will win.
Your heritage - Mexican, Irish, & the rest is a blur.
Food - Amy's roasted veggie pizza, stir fry, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, & anything extremely spicy.
Place to eat - Royal Dragon & Leong's Express...mostly I cook for myself.
Drink - Water, soymilk, Juicy Juice, & I'm quite fond of alcohol.
Band/Singer - Just one? O.o Hmm, I've been quite fond of AFI/Davey Havok for years now so that's a given.
Music Genre - Usually anything that catches my ear. Not usually popular stuff because it's mostly mindless. I love hardcore, grindcore, punk, some metal, industrial, some techno I guess, & stuff usually no one has heard of.
Color - Or shade or whatever you wanna call it, black. Other than that, I really like green & purple.
TV Show - I don't watch much, but I fancy Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy, The Daily Show, Family Guy, South Park, Stella, Viva La Bam. Really, I don't watch much TV, I've just watched these when I happened to sit in front of the screen & they made me feel entertained in the process.
Season - I switch between Autumn & Winter, but it's mostly Autumn.
Weather - No wind, maybe raining, sunset colored sky, about 70-75 degrees outside. I can see it all now.
Late night activity - A couple of days out of the week, I'm usually at a friend's house or just out with them. But other than that I get on the computer or watch a DVD or two, & rarely sleep.
Animal - I like deadly animals, heh. Snakes, spiders, scorpions. Owls. Cats. I have a dog.
Have you ever...
Drank alcohol - Yes.
Thought about committing suicide - There aren't enough fingers in a crowded room to count the wishes.
Cut yourself, on purpose - A few times, but I don't do that shit anymore.
Had surgery - Yeah, on my gums.
Been out of the country - No.
Played strip poker - Thought about it, but sadly it was cancelled.
Slept in bed with someone of the opp sex, that isn't related to you, w/o having sex - Hmm, guess not.
Kissed the same sex - On accident.
Dated the same sex - Nooo.
Done anything sexual with the same sex - Not that I can remember.
Been betrayed - Oh yes.
Killed an animal on accident - I hit a bird that flew at my car & I'm pretty sure it died. I was going pretty fast. It opened up the killer in me.
On purpose - Not consciously.
Danced in the rain - Yes!
Have you colored your hair - Does a highlighter count?
Cook - Yes.
Talk to yourself - Too much.
Have actual conversations with yourself - Yes.
Sleep walk - Not so much as I used to.
Snore - No, but I breathe heavily from what people have told me.
Name one thing you're obsessed with - Music.
Fall asleep better with the TV/Radio on - Doesn't matter.
Take walks in the rain - If it rained more, I would.
Soda or Coffee - Coffee.
Coffee or Cappuccino - Cappuccino.
Chocolate or Vanilla - Chocolate.
Briefs/Panties or Boxers(on yourself) - Well, since I'm a girl, panties. But I fancy wearing boxers, too, hehe.
Spandex or Shorts(on yourself) - Ew, spandex. Shorts.
Skateboarding or Blading - Skateboarding.
Windows or Macintosh or Unix(Linux)- Only used Windows.
Loner or Group(on average preferred) - I can defend myself better when I'm alone, strangely. If I know all or most the people in the group it's fun.
Passive or Aggressive - Mostly aggressive. But if I like you, passive.
Optimistic or Pessimistic - Pissimist for life.
Pepsi or Coke - Ew, neither.
McDonald's or Burger King - Ewwie.
Single or Group Dates - Group dates are cool, but single dates are more personal.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea - Lipton?
In a Girl/Guy...
Favorite Eye Color - Usually blue or green eyes, they catch my attention. Doesn't matter though.
Favorite Hair Color - Dark.
Short or Long hair - Hmm...long.
Height - Taller than me. Maybe 5'9" or something.
Body Type - Thin.
Best clothing style - Whatever, though I'm not too fond of someone who wears Abercrombie or Hollister all the time because that's not original.
Glasses - Doesn't matter.
Party hopper or more stay at home - Both.
Do you like kissing - Yeah, but I like hugs way better.
Do you only kiss one person on the lips - No?
If so who - I don't have a boyfriend.
Do you prefer tongue or no tongue - Doesn't matter, though I'm not real big on it.
Where is the best place to be kissed on your body - I found out being kissed on the forehead is fun, & definitely the neck.
Worst place - Haven't experienced a bad one yet.
Last person who...
Turned you on - Not sure, I get turned on easily. =X
Made you laugh - This girl Chelsea on Xanga. "It's hotter than a crotch out here!"
Laughed at your joke(s) - Probably Kris or Sam.
Made you cry - Dad.
Brightened your day - Candi.
You saw a movie with - Nick, Randy, Kris, Sam, & Sheree.
What makes you cry your heart out - Death, even though it's bound to me. Beauty.
Do tears make eyes look pretty - No, they make them look red.
What do you do when you're angry - Yell & scream a lot. Throw stuff. Go outside & walk around.
What makes you happy - Music, autumn weather, darkness, & when people wanna hang out with me.
What/who makes you smile uncontrollably - Austin T, Jerry, Tim, Kris, Teigh...
Who cheers you up more than anyone else - No one's a real help when it comes to that. Sam & Candi.
Your weakness - Intelligence, originality, drop dead gorgeousness.
Your biggest fear - Being alone.
Your perfect pizza - Amy's.
Goal you would like to achieve this year - Well, sometime I'd like to open up to everyone and in return blow their heads off.
Your most overused phrase/word on an instant messenger - I try not to do that, but probably "lolll."
Thoughts first waking up - FUCK! >.<
Your bedtime - Never heard of it.
Your most missed memory - Childhood memories, where I didn't know the difference and I could get away with anything.
Have any pets - German Shepherd named Lilah. But she answers to Shithead.
Who's the person you talk to the most online - Candi, Scott, & Mike.
Who are you on the phone most with - I don't get many phone calls.
Who do you trust the most - Candi.
Who listens to your problems most - Sam.
Who do you fight with the most - Mom.
Name someone's arms you feel safest in - Austin T & Jerry.
First break-up - Tony in 9th grade.
First screenname - There could be more before it, but right now I remember chaotic4kaos.
First self purchased album: I think it was Boyz II Men and a long ass time ago.
First funeral: Not sure, I think I was a baby. I've gone to at least 2 a year now.
First piercing/tattoo: Ears on my 15th birthday. Yeah I know, kinda late, but whatever.
First true love: Most intense love was probably Tony.
Last car ride: Picking up the van from the shop.
Last kiss: Scott at SOTU, hehe.
Last good cry: It's been so long...well, I think it was a few nights ago actually, but before that I can't think that far.
Last library book: "Scar Tissue," by Anthony Kiedis from RHCP.
Last movie seen (in theater): The Devil's Rejects. Fucking awesome & Rob Zombie is a genius.
Last beverage drank: Water.
Last food consumed: Stir fry at 8pm last night.
Last phone call: My cousin Niki...ehhh.
Last Time Showered: Yesterday.
Last shoes worn: Converses.
Last item bought: Candles.
Last annoyance: Mom.
Last time wanting to die: ASAFP.
Last time scolded: Last night, but I scold back. Beware.
Who are your best friends?: Candi, Sam, Kris, Sheree, Austin T, Jerry, Garrett, Tony, Mike, Tim...Don't know about "best" friends 'cause that's a bold title that few deserve, but yet I am somewhat close to all or most of them and I enjoy their presences so.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
Do you do drugs?: Occasionally.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Thermasilk.
What are you listening to right now?: Radiohead.
Where do you want to get married?: Not sure.
What would you change about yourself?: Nothing, because perfection is unrealistic.
Boy name: Never thought about it.
Girl name: Same.
Subjects in school: Art.
Sports: Extreme sports, soccer, & hockey.
Perfume: I can't remember the name, I saw it at Pac Sun. I'm gonna get it tomorrow, I think.
Have you ever...
Given anyone a bath?: Ehhh, no.
Bungee jumped? No.
Skinny dipped?: Actually, no.
Ever been in love?: Pretty sure, yes.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No.
Pictured your crush naked?: Of course.
Actually seen your crush naked?: No.
Lied?: I try not to.
Fallen for a close friend?: Yeah, it sucks.
Become close friends with someone you've fallen for: Yes.
Been rejected? - All the time.
Rejected someone? - Last year.
Used someone? - Never.
Done something you regret? - Yes.
Last person...
You touched: Mom.
Hugged: Sam.
You imed: Candi.
Imed you: Kris.
Bought you flowers: Dad.
Who do you wanna...
Kill: Myself.
Slap: Everyone.
Kiss: i cant tell you cuz katherine would get mad. haha jkjk
In the morning I am: A total waste of oxygen.
All I need is: Music.
You dream of: Death. Symbolism. Strange occurrences. Falling. Drowning. Hanging.
Last person you danced with: Not sure. Kris said I danced with him last.
Who makes you laugh the most: I'm easily amused, though.
Who has a crush on you: Some people have told me, but I'm sure their tastes have changed by now.
Number of...
Times I have had my heart broken: A lot, it seems like.
Hearts I have broken: Hopefully none, but it can't always be that way.
Guys/Girls I've kissed: Not sure.
Continents I have lived in: One.
I found a new love earlier. Walking barefoot wearing a t-shirt and shorts in 70-degree weather, the wind's not blowing, and the crackle of dead leaves engulfs my every thought. That's the best moment ever and now my new love. I could do that all day. Now, if it would only rain it would be the perfect day.
This rage I cannot let go,