I wanna fuck you in your god's hands when your praying bites the dust.

Jun 24, 2005 23:10

I deleted my last two entries. They were pretty much usless. Trust me. Oh, and I didn't get that job at Vintage Stock. No hard feelings, though. For serious. I love that place! <3

I updated my list of concerts you need to kidnap me and take me to I feel the urgent need to attend. Take a look-see, have a sit-down, and have a nice glass of soymilk with me. XD

My Concert List

I turned in my application for Barnes & Noble earlier. Also, looked for my cousin's new (also, I think his first) book If Not For Desire (not currently in stores), since I can't borrow it from my great-aunt forever. I love it so far. She said it's not her style, but she's really conservative and a tad sheltered (yeah, both) while every other word in the book is either a curse or really big. Nothing against her, she's a sweetheart! <3

MySpace is being a skank at the moment. Though Hotmail is being rad. Hmm. And I can fit into my corduroys again! ^_^ (Thanks for the pants, Candi!)

I can't wait until the passenger seat is free of my mother's ass. :)

Let me devalue what's inside you,
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