i feel myself staring face on with a new phase of my life. astrology doesn't predict what will happen in your life, it predicts the themes. actually, astrology is predicting that this phase of my life in which i am confused and i can either emerge stronger and vital and shining, with discipline, or i will crumble and fall apart. it doesn't take astrology to tell me that, but it seems weird to stand on the edge of some weird cosmic blip in your existance. it makes sense that im volatile, because my sun is saggitarius, my moon a cancer and pisces was on the horizon when i was born.
"Usually, because of the dual nature of this sign, your experiences seem always to oscillate between two extremes. Emotionally, you may become confounded and perplexed when your soul is torn between opposite attractions. Your temperament is, nevertheless, kindly and able to appreciate the most subtle emotional experiences.
Essentially, you are expansive, guided by intuition and emotion, and falling very easily into elated or depressive moods.
You have a natural ability to perceive from unknown sources where the mind does not intervene. Such an ability, unfortunately, is usually misunderstood or has little application in life. If you do become involved in art, however, there are very good prospects for success as a painter, musician, writer, or poet.
Your sexual life will be highly varied and intense. When you fall in love, you feel as if the limitations of your personality are dissolving and you are receptive to everything that exists. "
this morning :
- i'm switching between different sugars because i'd prefer honey in my coffee.
- feeling willing to sacrifice myself to something far larger than myself
- yesterday it was 44 degrees C on my porch at 5pm! (thats about 110+ for you americans)
- beethoven's "moonlight sonata"
- cat power "wonderwall" (thank you zach)
- low's "july"
- seriousness of mind, yet playful in gesture
- i don't know at all how to drive
- books are overflowing everywhere in my room. they serve as tables for meals.
- watching cartoons at night
- hanging dresses from my ceiling and they become perfumed with incense and summer air!
- muchmusic's "the wedge" hour. why are all new music videos using 70's technology?
- living for the sake of dying....
- REM's "low" ! actually the whole REM "out of time" album.
- big pupils are beautiful if your eyes are colored but my eyes are brown
- did you know i have a kurt cobain altar? somehow even i find this creepy but i could never remove it!!
- i am fascinated with europeans! is anyone here VERY european, i want european faces and personality to the extreme, old european, not this new electronic merging. i'm so canadian. i have dreams in the shapes of cathedrals and perpetual electronic bass frequencies, always oscliatting up and down.
- i miss kissing my most beautiful girl friend. girls should kiss their friends more! i used to condemn it, but then i found it lets the boundary between the sexual and the loving blurr and stop making sense, which is essential. and it allows for some intimacy without boys! girls are also very different kissers than boys. i am a sensualist and i need to be kissed but boys can be demanding. with girls i never feel empty afterwards, only illuminated and full of love. this is no exclamation of bi-sexuality either, in the least. i'm (sadly) very prone to boys.
- milan kundera's "immortality". i've got no words for this one, just read it.