Dec 18, 2010 22:04

I missed getting to the bank on time to cash checks.

Which wasn't actually this evening, but whatever.

Because me and my friend who slept over last night went to eat breakfast at this breakfast place. Because I was supposed to take her to a defensive driving course at 8:00AM and I slept through my alarm and she stayed up so late reading that she just turned hers off.

Actually, we wouldn't have made it anyway, since I had to drive ten miles the opposite direction to pick up a bunch of other checks at my mom's house (I'm at my dad's). Because the banks just can't stay open past noon.

And I managed to get some film, but apparently the film that I fell in love with that my photo teacher found in her freezer hasn't been in production for twenty years. So... yeah, fuck. Had to settle for more regular kinds.

Didn't get any Christmas shopping done because OH GOD THE MALL. FUCK. NO. That's where the camera store is located (on the outskirts of, more like) and it was hell getting even that close.

But I managed to get a load of wintry clothes washed, so that I'll have plenty to keep cozy in when I fly off to the UK tomorrow.

Because I'm flying to the UK tomorrow.

Aw yeah.

Currently watching Die Hard 2, the classic sequel to a classic Christmas movie. Poor Bruce Willis. Never can catch a break on Christmas...

Running through half-made checklists in my head, making sure I have all my winter stuff, enough books, varied electronics, not too many books... I mean, you can never have too many books, but you actually can when you're having to lug them all around.

I'll be in London for Christmas, and Scotland for the New Year. I expect I will have a wonderful time, blizzard conditions or not. 
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