Nov 21, 2011 14:42
So. Um.
NOT DEAD. Decidedly. But the world is trying its best.
I, however, plan to kick the world in the face when I sleep some and regain the energy to do so.
My life alternates between school, school, more school, not getting everything done for school, re-reading long-ass shounen mangas, dipping my toes back into fanfiction, some more school, trying not to strangle an irritating housemate, and working so hard to make it through to Christmas without failing anything.
Tomorrow after even more class I can drive home and have a brief Thanksgiving break. I will still be working, but at least there will be an excess of food and friends. If everyone is lucky, I'll get a chance to upload and post some new macros I've been working on over the semester on the occasion that a picture catches my eye. Oddly, none of them are SHINee. But they are ALL hilarious, because I am never not a total laugh riot.
There's a boy I like. It'd be great if I saw him ever, but he lives on the other side of campus. Luckily, he let me take pictures of him for a portrait project in Photo, and has agreed to let me take pictures of him again for my final project. I'll be turning him into an anime character, and the character he'll be portraying doesn't wear a shirt, so that's a little Christmas bonus right there.
So. Hopefully I'll see you all later in the week? Maybe actually catch up on some LJ stuffs? YEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH.
reality bullshit