Nearing the end of my summer classes and *GASP* updating my journal?

Jul 06, 2007 15:40

Summer classes are nearly done! Whoot! Now all I have to take is Essential Computing 1 and World Geography. I'm enjoying the appartment and making a bit of money so everything is pretty decent @ the moment.
I'm also anxiously awaiting the 5th Harry Potter movie, and freaking out about the last book coming out. Actually I just read Half-Blood Prince despite having gotten it right when it came out. LOL! I never even read the first book until after I saw the first 3 movies. Honestly as much as I love Harry Potter it'll be nice to be able to move on with my life. Too many questions, too many fabulous characters! IS SNAPE GOOD OR EVIL!? Ahhhh!*takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly*

Anyway, surfing around youtube I found a hilarious clip that all you Jeeves and Wooster fans will appreciate. Apparently Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie had their own sketch show. Heres a clip...

stephen fry, hugh laurie, harry potter

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