Everything's a bit...rubbishy

Jan 23, 2008 20:04

i. My grandfather died on Monday, and it's been a bit sad...my dad was pretty upset, although he's coping better now, but it's been a bit of a blow... I don't really know what else I can say about it. I'm not looking forward to the funeral next week, I very easily and I've got a feeling it'll overwhelm me :( I don't want to see my dad cry again.

ii. Thankfully my exams are over, I did Philip II on Tuesday. The first essay question went very well I think, the 2nd question I'm not so sure on, I think I may have waffled slightly and been a bit vague on my historiography, but we'll see. It could have been a lot worse to be honest.

iii. I've got a hell of a cold. One blocked nostril, blocked sinuses, really snotty, sore throat. Not enough to warrent me staying off school, but enough to make me feel run down as hell and depressed when I'm there.

iv. Music lesson tomorrow...eugh, flute practise tonight and flute lesson tomorrow with cold=eugh. Plus I'll probably be grilled by my music teacher to see how I'm feeling and will probably end up crying...

v. I'm feeling a bit down at the moment, not able to relax after my exams, feeling pretty ill and obviously the stuff with my grandfather.

vi. On an upbeat note- chances of Noel Fielding having NOT snapped them up in the Topshop sale? Slim. http://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=19551&storeId=12556&categoryId=73418&parent_category_rn=61561&productId=531517&langId=-1

E xxx

down, ill, death, grandfather, noel fielding, exams, work

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