Twitter updates!

Jan 03, 2011 19:38

So more things on twitter I've liked:
umm I'll just copy and paste them all

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio people can see you as insensitive to others’ needs, even obsessive, because you push forward so single-mindedly.
1 Jan

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio time is of no consequence to you when it comes to wreaking vengeance.
1 Jan

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts When a #Scorpio person is angry, they can definitely be a sight one would not want to see.
16 Dec

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios sensitivity makes them the most loyal friends, but the same quality also makes them the most treacherous of enemies.
15 Dec

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios have a self-destructive streak along with an unreasoning temper that can be triggered at the slightest provocation
15 Dec

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios despise weakness in themselves or in others.
13 Dec

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios drive themselves hard, and usually drive others unmercifully
13 Dec

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts Because of a #Scorpios loner nature and rebellious tendencies, they often become victims to slander.
12 Dec

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios think much more than they speak and have the sharp ability to distinguish between truths and lies
12 Dec

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio you have no fear about seeing the darkest things about others.
29 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio being goal-oriented is a key strength for you.
29 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios are generally stronger than the rest of us to begin with.
29 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts A #Scorpio scorned can become very vicious after a break-up, so be careful of any revenge tactics.
28 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts Having a #Scorpio enemy might mean that your life can be very hard, indeed.
28 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts If at first the #Scorpio doesn't succeed, it only makes him or her more determined to try again and try harder.
27 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts Trust a #Scorpio to bring you down to earth if your head is in the clouds.
25 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts Turn to a #Scorpio when you want to get to the heart of a problem and figure out motivations.
25 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpio advice can be biting and incisive.
25 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpio females don’t know the middle in feeling - they either love greatly or hate endlessly, and sometimes the same person.
24 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts Some #Scorpio women have a very strong intuition, but many of them simply make the future be the way they want to see it.
24 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts A #Scorpio male is simply unbeatable in both an open fight and a hidden struggle.
24 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio your need for constant reassurance about every little thing can become a problem.
22 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio you are always looking for a problem that's not there.
22 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio do not let your insecurities get in the way of your relationship.
22 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts When your #Scorpio stare into your eyes, they won't have to say a word for you to know what's on their mind.
16 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts Don't accuse a #Scorpio of being faithless or toying with your emotions.
16 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio you are usually very pleasant and low key to be with, intelligent in conversation, reserved, and very friendly.
14 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio your sign has the potential for being a genius, more than any other sign,only because of your driven focus.
14 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts Everything about a #Scorpio nature is extreme and when it comes to the affairs of the heart you will open up more than any sign
12 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio In matters of love the one thing that is most true to your sign is this total rapture or celibacy.
12 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts For a #Scorpio It's not easy being the most powerful sign in the Zodiac.
10 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Libra-#Scorpio cusp motto is "don't get mad, get balanced, then get even."
10 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts The hardest thing for a #Libra-#Scorpio cusp is letting go which is actually difficult for both of these signs.
10 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio your inborn unpredictable mood reflects in your choice of clothes and accessories.
8 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio In an aesthetic sense, you have real foresight; your style can set trends.
1 Nov

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts However, no one challenges a #Scorpio openly, not even the most spiteful enemy.
28 Oct

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios are fearless and can stand anything from physical pain to poverty.
28 Oct

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio one of your worst qualities, harmful to yourself almost more than to anyone else.
28 Oct

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts Of all the zodiac signs, #Scorpio is the least willing to forgive any wrong which they have suffered in the hands of others
28 Oct

RevRunWisdom Rev Run
If sum1 is taking ur love 4 granted, the love u granted them should be taken #bewise
25 Oct

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpio people have a very clear understanding about themselves.
10 Oct

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios are gifted with piercing eyes, which shake you from inside.
10 Oct

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios are like an earthquake, which can come anytime and with full force.
10 Oct

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts #Scorpios have a true understanding of life, its difficulties and problems, which makes them extremely wise.
23 Sep

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts A #Scorpio female is the girl who will leave everything behind to be with you, even if it means hardships on her part.
21 Sep

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts A #Scorpio can bring out the best and worst in you.
18 Sep
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