I've spilled two drinks today-- first my glass of water on my bedside table and then my 7-Up can from the coffee table to the floor. I haven't spilled anything for months now, then I spill two things. Weird. (No, I was not in some way physically impaired.)
I like to think of titles for poems I haven't written yet. I think a large part of me not writing as much as I used to is the fact that the func+F3 on my laptop doesn't disable my touchpad. It is very frustrating to write when the cursor is unexpectedly moved. Argh.
I've rediscovered my love of Neko Case. Out of the blue, the
New York Times ran a profile on her. Considering she hasn't released anything in a long time, I was intrigued. I was late to hear the news that her new CD "Middle Cyclone" debuted on March 3rd.
I'm digging it so far. What do you think?
Neko Case - People Got A Lotta Nerve
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