Stop SOPA and PIPA: Twitter & Facebook: How To Spam your Political Representatives

Jan 19, 2012 15:34

Stop SOPA and PIPA - Twitter & Facebook: How To Spam your Political Representatives

First off, I apologize for no cut but I wanted it to be all out there.
If you have Facebook or Twitter start spamming your representatives and senators that still support SOPA and PIPA. Remind those that oppose it to keep doing so when it comes crunch time.

This site will tell you what you need to know. If you click their name it will give you their website, Twitter account, and Facebook page (if they have them).

Your voice counts, let your opinion on this be heard.

We can't sit by and let them threaten the communities we have created. The internet is meant to be free and open.
This is our line in the sand, we need to stand up for it.

Twitter Hash Tags to use: #SOPA #PIPA #StopSOPA #YourVoiceCounts

I have already pulled out the ones from the SOPA and PIPA Supporter list for the State of California:










hashtags, facebook, how to, sopa, pipa, political representatives, twitter

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