Feb 03, 2010 21:24
day twenty-five - your day, in great detail
Woke up at 6:15. Got dressed. Put iPod in purse. Ate breakfast. Left for school. Stopped by grocery store. Stopped by Wal-Mart. Arrived at school - 7:55. Class starts - 8:25. Typed terms for competition pre-test. Went to break - 9:30. Bought pizza. Back to class - 9:45. Officer meeting to discuss Friday's general meeting - 10:00. Finished typing terms. Lunch - 11:10. Make Alfredo. Ate a candy bar. Drank Diet Dr. Pepper. Class starts - 12:25. Piddled around on Internet. Counted through remaining fundraising inventory. Piddle on internet more. Class ends - 3:15. Got ride to aunt's store. Bought Dr. Pepper. Ate oatmeal cookie. Read Beyond the Shadows. Listened to thenewno2. Left for home - 7:00. Arrived home - 7:15. Cooked sidedishes for dinner. Ate dinner - taco salad. Watched Modern Family. Watched most of Cougar Town. Got on computer. Scrobbled iPod. Updated livejournal. Pulled tick off cat. Spilled tea. Everyone acted as if world ended. Resumed updating livejorunal.
30 day meme,
real life,
i'm a loser,