NaNo 2011 Total

Dec 03, 2011 10:04

I never updated my LJ for NaNo, but that's mainly because I had to call it quits after about 9 days this year. The 9th was right about when I started having some health issues, followed by a visit to Immediate Care on the 12th and a visit to the ER on the 14th. Guess it just wasn't written in the stars this year. There's always 2012. :)

Anyhoozle, here's my writing breakdown, just for the record (and so I can throw out the sticky notes on my desk with my daily word tallies).

11/1 - 709
11/2 - 3791
11/3 - 0
11/4 - 1881
11/5 - 2166
11/6 - 0
11/7 - 2427
11/8 - 452
11/9 - 1727

For a grand total of 13,153 words.

13153 / 50000 words. 26% done!

Not remotely close to 50k words and not much closer to the 25k I'd hoped to reach, but seeing as that they were the first words I'd written since August, I'm not too upset. Plus, I got a full episode of WtL written and part of the second episode as well. It's a start :)

Grats to Hayley and Bkitty on their finishes this year. So proud of you both! :)


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