Originally posted by
metaphorsbwithu at
irs official claims she thought 'tea party' generic for liberal & conservative groups ***
OOPS ... there goes that bogus claim that widespread targeting and harassment of TEA Party groups and other conservatives, religious and pro-Israel groups was the result of a couple of low-level "rogues" in Cincinnati ... not that we took that seriously with the evidence that keeps popping up despite the media's attempts to cool the pot.
I mean, have you SEEN the questions that were asked? The visits from the FBI? The warnings that they must answer all questions and promise to act in approved ways under penalty of prosecution ... how they were asked for lists of members, students who were educated on the Constitution, elaborate demands for descriptions of their beliefs, contacts, donars ... even the contents of their prayers?
For 27 months this went on and no one knew anything?
Oh yeah ... and Paz also claims that, while sitting on these applications for over a year while awaiting instructions from higher-ups in D.C. she was clueless as to what "TEA Party" even signified - that she thought it was just a generic term for political groups that could range from liberal to conservative.
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/06/16/irs-paz-targeting-tea-party/2426773/ Uh ... talk about needing a "willing suspension of disbelief"!
"TEA party? They're conservative ?I know nothing!"
Yeah, that's why liberal/progressive groups were separated from the other "generic political" groups and hurried through approval.
I'd like to see her claim THAT under oath.
Of course word of this revelation has had almost no coverage in the national media except for 22 seconds on ABC. In contrast, Good Morning America devoted 6 times that to the saga of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian - for the low information voters of course.
Word is Miss Paz donated $4,000 to Obama when running for president in 2008 but we don't know if that helped her career advancement ... or her job behavior.
We think she's been "fired" but mum's the word as the media try to downplay one of the most dispicible scandals AND assault on constitutional rights by an agency of the government and minions of the Obama machine.
This is what you get when you install a regime that plays hardball against it's opponents and critics and uses the powers of government as weapons against them.
How disgusting!
Out.Of.Control.Government. And a media that will do anything to contain and/or ignore, as someone has called it, the "Scandalanch".