Originally posted by
metaphorsbwithu at
guess what woman who headed irs division targeting and harrassing conservatives is doing? ***
ABC just reported this on their Political Punch blog although they have been busy censoring comments.
http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/05/irs-official-in-charge-during-tea-party-targeting-now-runs-health-care-office/ Others have picked it up.
Sarah Hall Ingram. Remember that name.
Are you scared yet?
Does it sound like anyone is really on your side ... assuming you're not on the side of these tyrants.
Oh, yeah ... the out-of-control Obama administration is going to fix everything!
Like FDR did? JFK? RMN?
Hey, this is not some big surprise! The Congress knows what goes on. And many of them LIKE IT!
It's not the Congress. Not the media. Not the pundits who have exposed all of these scandals:
Benghazi and the coverup
IRS targeting and harrassing conservatives, TEA Party groups, religious groups
DOJ tapping into the AP phone records
HHS hitting up private companies for "donations" to fund ObamaCare implementation and propaganda efforts
It's "WE THE PEOPLE" who exposed it and are demanding answers and accountability.
Not more lies, obfuscation and cosmetic "fixes".
Not attacks on our Constitutional Rights!
These people have absolutely no shame, and apparently no fear - even if caught you know they'll be taken care of.
Corruption through and through!
This country is in trouble, folks, and this government, these political hacks who have helped create this debacle is going to investigate the problems THEY created?
This is bad and getting worse.