Originally posted by
metaphorsbwithu at
it's what they do when they can't argue the facts or answer the questions ***
What happened when Hillary Clinton was asked a series of simple questions on the Benghazi massacre?
What happened when Obama was asked about Susan Rice spreading false information in blaming a bogus YouTube video and not a pre-planned terrorist attack on the 11th anniversary of 9/11?
What happened when Rep. Michele Bachmann and some other Republicans asked about some unsavory characters with jihadist ties going in and out of the White House?
Did anyone get a straight answer?
A liberal giving a straight answer? Of course not!
Attacks on the questioner.
Deflection and distraction ... anything include pounding the table and getting the media to attack and (hopefully) destroy the person who would dare ask such a question.
Like Dianne Feinstein who, when asked simply if it's okay to neuter the Bill of Rights and, if so, does that apply to the other Amendments to the Constitution - like Freedom of Speech and Religion, the right to privacy, the right to out property?
It's what this country has come to with Washington run by ideologues who prefer to manipulate people emotionally rather than act in a rational, legal and constitutional manner.
Sen. Feinstein Has a Hissy Fit Because Some Freshman Senator Dared Question Her in Hearings to Tear Apart Our Second Amendment Rights
Click to view
What was Feinstein's initial response?
Righteous indignation.
Arrogant condescension.
How dare you lecture" me - a liberal ... someone who's been here TWENTY YEARS!
Of course we know already how liberals feel about all those ancient outdated constitutional concepts - right?
This is why the Democrat Party, the liberal media and even the "establishment" Republicans fear these brave new representives of the people.
The are smart, articulate, and they know the Constitution and rule of law - AND, they can connect with the average person who wants to listen and learn. Learn what? That the Bill of Rights protects US from the over-reach of the federal government and that it is NOT a list of "negative rights" that hampers the government and needs to be overturnd.
And how refreshing is that when compared to a president who lies on a daily basis - seemingly without any sense of shame.
Finally - someone to confront these people of limited intellect and sense of duty who have been too corrupted and intoxicated with the awesome power they weild against us.
There are more patriots out there who are the vanguard against this crushing authoritarianism being set into place by the Obama administration and the now radically left Democrat Party.
People like Alan West, Rand Paul, Mark Rubio, Mike Lee, and others too. They may disagree slightly on some specifics but on the broad principles they are all on board.
The country is disintegrating, our civil society, our economy, or health care system, our financial system, businesses large and small - all being caused in large part by a smothering massive in-your-face out-of-control GOVERNMENT.
We who oppose this are finally geting our voice and getting the truth out to more-and-more people who are starting to be impacted - and are frankly scared as they begin to understand the horror of what is happening all around them.
Keep telling the truth and keep confronting these hacks whose daily LIES are starting to sound more and more desperate and insane.
It's hard to contain ourselves when we see the harm these knuckleheads are inflicting on ths wonderful country and more so when we see leaders articulating what we feel in our hearts.
To you all fighting the good fight I say:
Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Washington, Franklin, et al would be proud. They knew EXACTLY what this is all about.