march toward post-constitutional authoriarism hits bump in road

Jan 26, 2013 14:51

Originally posted by metaphorsbwithu at march toward post-constitutional authoriarism hits bump in road
Words matter ... said this court ... as do the rule of law - which cannot be subverted by the dictates of men to render the law meaningless.

WHAT OBAMA DID: Obama unilaterally declared the Senate "in recess" (when it wasn't) so he could slip by controversial appointments to the national Labor Relations Board (NLRB) without Senate approval.

On many occasions during his first term, President Obama has abused his power and taken actions in violation of the restraints placed on him by our Constitution.

One of these involved making appointments to the NLRB (REQUIRING the advice and consent of Congress) without its approval - effectively declaring the Senate "in recess" when it was not.

He's done this again and again - in engaging in war in Libya without the consent of Congress, granting "amnesty" to illegal aliens, using his massive bureaucracy like the EPA and HHS to basically legislate through regulatiory powers they don't have, REFUSING tio enforce laws he doesn't like, COMMANDING private citizens to give up their rights and property and allow him to redistribute their lawful earnings to people he favors.

His attitude has been - "Stop me if you can."

We have correctly identified his actions for what they are and today a court had the guts to miraculously rule according to the Constitution (which SC Chief Justice John Roberts did not.

My guess is this administration, as it has done in other cases in which a court has ruled against it (the oil moratorium) will ignore the court. Instead of complying with the Constitution, the principles of separation of powers and the checks-and-balances therein, Obama will continue to snub his nose at the rule of law.

And his minions in the press will start advanving his talking points tomorrow that enforcing the Constitution is somehow radical - his spokesman Jay carney called the ruling "novel" today.

He has to do all this because that is how he operates - he rejects the limitations placed upon his office and the restraints our founding documents place on the central government for just the reasons we are now seeing coming to fruition.

The Constitution (to him) is what he says it is.

Eventually, it will go to the Supreme Court and therein, as the slow process advances, as Obama plays catch-as-catch-can and tries to implement as much "change" as he can, we can see right in front of our eyes how tyranny takes root and is so hard to dig up.

It's what happens when demagogues and cult figures are elected to high office and act in violation of the Constitution they swear to uphold - with the support of a compliant media and an army of supporters.
Nobody has EVER acted this way.

Did anyone think 4 years ago that we would be talking about such things? That a president would be THREATENING to act in violation of the Constitution - and doing so? For heaven's sake, LISTEN to this man's mindset when he seizes power and uses YOU as a justifiication - that he is acting in YOUR interests. That he REFUSES to take "no" for an answer no matter how lawful the process.

This is the talk of Castro, Chavez, et al - backed by his mindless cheering crowds.

For now a flicker of light in the darkness. Maybe this is the strategy we need to overcome this march toward tyranny: SUE the B*srt*rds!

That's something.

barack_obama, dictatorship, unconstitutional

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