no ... it's not a 'revolution'

Jan 17, 2013 14:11

Originally posted by metaphorsbwithu at no ... it's not a 'revolution'
Sure, you've heard people (usually liberals) say it: "We need a revolution!"

Well, they're wrong. We already had a revolution in 1776 and in the War of Independence and in the writing of the Constitution by "We the People".

What these people who hold all of this with disdain want to do is to overthrow THAT.
It's why you hear so much these days about how our nation was founded by rich, white racists who were looking out for their own interests and the interests of the wealthy.

It's why our Constitution is mocked and criticized almost daily now, not by fringe kooks, but by important and influential people in government and media.

It is why influential people are praising corrupt and totalitarian regimes across the sphere for their ability to "get things done" without the messiness of a system like ours with it's separation of powers and checks and balances.

It's why people, all the way up to the leaders of the Democrat Congress are urging the executive to seize powers reserved for the Congress and the media are cheering them on.

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to defend yourself, the right to property and the fruits of your labor, the right to privacy, the whole concept of enumerated owers and rights reserved to the people of the various states are all under ASSAULT.

Little children now go through the government education system having their little craniums stuffed with propaganda, are instilled with guilt or resentment, are deprived of a real education so that they understand the history of their country and structure of their government, are separated into rich and poor, black, brown, and white, classes, religions, and ethnicity and told some should feel obligated to others simply because their ancestors have done wrong.

Combine that with a culture of death, resentment, anger, broken families, self absorption, medication, attacks on morality and religion, violence on TV and in music and movies, throw-away babies, and an entitlement mentality where slackers become victims and achievers are demonized and is it any wonder the end result is dehumanizing violence in the cities and outbursts of insane violence in pretty little towns like Newtown which should stand as models for the success of liberal policies and ideology.

Did the president discuss any of this at length yesterday, did he mention the culture that exists and has been promoted and enabled by his side for decades now? Did he decry violence as portrayed in video games, media, and, in particular, Hollywood? No, his rich and generous pals in the movie industry were rewarded with tax breaks and subsidies and party invitations.

Oh how this president loves to rub elbows with people of this ilk in the music, television and movie industries. Does he ever get in their faces about their responsibilities?

No. Instead he points the finger at the people who try to obey the law and mind their own business and demands more government, more control, more liberal ideology and less freedom.

In fact, ANYONE who disagrees and especially is effective in voicing opposition to what is happening is earmarked for mockery, ridicule, smear and destruction. They have their approach down to a fine art and you only have to hear their over-the-top charges against law-abiding people excusing them of extremism, terrorism, comparisons with al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hitler and Stalin - all coming from the highest-paid voices in the mainstream media and aimed at people who simply believe in the Constitution and rule of law.

You who agree with him are getting what you want and will reap what you sow.

And it is terrible.

revolution, america, socialism, communism

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