Originally posted by
metaphorsbwithu at
obama and the democrats exercise 'nuclear option" - oh, what they have done A 'NAKED POWER GRAB' ... 'TYRANNY'... THE WELL HAS BEEN 'POISONED'
We are less free and more subjects today than we were two days ago. We are less being "governed" and more being "ruled". King George has come full circle.
The left continues in it's assault against the Constitution - and the rights of the minority as protected in its system of checks-and-balances and separation of powers. They have now openly declared that they are willing to dictate their wishes and to Hell with the Republic.
Like with all dictatorships - a rubber stamp is so much neater and uncomplicated than the Constitutional process, real debate and compromise to protect the rights of all. The ramming through of the biggest disaster of law in American history, ObamaCare, is proof of that.
Two hundred-and-twenty-four years of history, tradition, protection and common-sense given us by the brilliance of our founding fathers has been swept away by one little man from the state of Nevada - Harry Reid.
We are less a republic and more a nation rule by despots and dictators - as the founding fathers warned we would be if we become an uneducated and immoral people.
This is a big deal. We have been paying the price for the stupidity of so many and will pay even more for decades to come - thanks to these lawless Democrats.
They are not the Democrats of our fathers.
I am not as "shocked" as some - in fact I said it was coming. I am disappointed at those who STILL don't understand who and what we are dealing with - who condemn and mock the very people who have been correct in their assessment of the problem and what was coming.
They JOINED the dark side in their ridicule of US and now mumble and stumble in shock as they've been stabbed in the back on the "other side of the aisle".
They sicken me almost as much, maybe more, than these despicible Democrats who are doing this to us to advance their own power and to exercise more control over We the People.
I am so concerned for those innocents who will suffer at the hands of these lying and scheming power-hungry authoritarians - and so disappointed in people who let them have their way for their thirty pieces of silver.