how come 'we' knew about medical device taxes and democrats didn't?

Dec 11, 2012 23:52

Originally posted by metaphorsbwithu at how come 'we' knew about medical device taxes and democrats didn't?

Gee ... we've been warning about all this since BEFORE it was even passed and now ... at the last hour ... Democrats like former "comedian" and now actually a United States SENATOR - Al Franken - wants to hold off on one of the main sources of funding, the medical device tax.

Oh, really?

Suddenly, Franken and fellow Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar are worried the new ObamaCare tax will be a "job killer" in places like Minnesota.

Awwwww ... getting pressure from your deep pocket pals now that the actual effects of what you did are going to start being felt?

It may be too late to change it but Franken hopes to delay its implementation so they can figure out a way to raise the same revenue using other avenues. Maybe until the 2014 midterm elections when there should be another massive sweep (hopefully) of democrats at local, state and national levels?


It is a disaster.

Everything they promised has been proven to be a lie.

At THREE TIMES the cost promised and 10's of millions STILL without insurance.

Congratulations, Democrats.

You OWN it ... and the looming disaster from its full implementation.

As do the 50.7% of voters who put Obama and this band of robber barons back into office.

Four years of TOTAL disaster and the voters put this guy back into office to continue his "fundamental transformation of America".

Riots in the streets, death threats toward Republican officials, attempts to shut down legislatures, assaulting conservative reporters, unhinged mobs of teachers and union thugs, a corrupt media that is acting as an arm of the Democrat Party ... and these guys WON!

MASSIVE taxes coming and the supposed 'revenue" won't reduce the deficit or debt by a single penny.

The middle class tax rates passe under Bush are suddenly so critical but virtually NO DEMOCRAT VOTED TO PASS IT back in 2003! Remember? Even JOHN "cross the aisle" MCCAIN voted against it and the evil Dick Cheney had to cast the deciding vote to give YOU your tax cut the democrats REFUSED to give you.

Liberals ... always unhappy and angry no matter what they get ... no matter how far clueless RINO's bend over backwards to compromise" and (they think) to placate them.

Enjoy your freebies ... and your shrinking liberty while they last.

And "Happy Holidays" to liberals far and wide.

propaganda, socialism, liberalism, reforms, misinformation, obamacare, democrats

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