Find something interesting to say!
*drool* That red bean bun was the most delicious thing I've had in WEEKS. The bean paste got a little funny tasting after I drank an iced coffee, though.
So, the advice of the day is: Don't drink coffee with red bean buns.
Anyways, school started last Wednesday. So, I've suffered through four school days. Yes, only four. It feels like it's been FOREVER. Spanish has been getting progressively more fun. I'm understanding more and more of what the teacher rambles on about every day! I no longer want to shoot myself whenever I walk into the classroom! Yay!
I also spent a good 10 minutes after class annoying/confusing poor Kittypasta ^-^ I figured out how to say something dirty in Japanese, so I was repeating it, much to her horror. Then I started using Spanish, English, and Japanese in the same sentences... 'twas fun.