LJ, your character limit is annoying. No, I am not splitting this in half, sorry. I hope everyone is okay with reading it on AO3, Link is under the header.
Title: Testing Boundaries
Author: elebridith
Fandom: Leverage/Angel the Series crossover
Pairing: Lindsey/Eliot
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash, crossover
Be aware of: Here be handcuffs.
Words: About 6800
A/N: Beta'd by havenward, who deserves a medal. Set two months after "Vulnerability" (not yet on AO3), that is 14 months after "Not Fade Away". Kind of a sequel to "Let's Talk About".
This is The Twitter Bunny. Inspired by a combo conversation that included
koryou and
cyphersushi. The closest thing to a PWP I'll ever write...
Say... you still wanna tie me to the bed?