Oct 03, 2009 20:22
And to stay a bit on the topic of politics - at least the Germans on my flist will have heard about the grand interview of Guido Westerwelle, our designated foreign minister. Who apparently can't speak English is too shy to speak english in public and therefore denied a british journalist the answer to a question, because it was asked in english. His reason? "We are in Germany. It is common here to ask questions in german." Cue embarrassed headdesking of everyone watching and comedians all over Germany are having a field day.
Our local newspaper posted this little satire, written in so-called "Filser English", means a german text translated to english word by word. Too funny! Here we go, enjoy!:
Neue Westfälische, 1st of October 2009:
Künftiger Außenminister spricht kaum Englisch
Know you Guido Westerwave? He is the before seater of the free democratic Party in Germany. He had just a wonderful success at the German Bundestag elections, were his Party nearly 15 Percent reached.
All speeks therefor that he Bundes Chancellorette Angela Merkel’s new partner in a black-yellow coalition becomes.
Westerwave likes it on Parties to go, and he drives a funny car, that he calls Guido Mobil. But he speaks only few English.
Perhaps was he a bad pupil on the school or he was ill when that through taken was. We know it not. Maybe speeks he yes better French or Italian. But English is diplomat’s language.
Latest when Westerwave Barack Obama meets in Washington should he at the least a few words in English speek. That is from him expected.
Otherwise: Can you yourself before stand, how Barack Obama would himself the socks off laugh, if Westerwave would say: Hi Barack, I am Guido, the new German Outing-Minister ?
random things