How much am I fond of studying today? Less than zero. I can't take this anymore. These 3 weeks of study and nothing else have been killing me. Luckily I'm gonna enjoy a full week of holidays after 01/31 before classes start again, and then 02/20-23 London!!!!! (Heavy picspam incoming after that, wait for it)
Today I bring you a Neon Trees - Animal vid, saw them on MTV push, I really like em!
And happy brithday to my dear friend
xrevontulix! Hope a great year starts for you today, wish you a great success (which of course you will have) at your final exams and an awesome finally-free-from-high-school life after that :D ♥ (hopefully we'll see each other in Forlì?)
And now MEMEEEEE (be patient, we're at day 19, only 10 more or so and we're done :P)
19. The last crossover you started to like
Hard to tell, I make up new ones every day!! But I think the 'most relevant' last one was Doctor Who/Veronica Mars after reading an interesting fic
here. With obvious Veronica/Every Doctor OTP attached.
Following days
20. Tell us how or what introduced you to crossovers
21. Best idea for a crossover you've seen
22. Mention 5 characters for a multicrossover show (doesn't matter if it makes sense just pick 5 characters you'd like to see together)
23. If you're into slash/femslash, your favorite crossover couple. If not, tell us your favorite same gender friendship couple.
24. First crossover obsession
25. Current crossover obsession
26. If you could imagine a fight scene, which characters would be involved? (can be a one on one fight or a group fight)
27. A non-human crossover couple (any kind of relationship)
28. Take your favorite crossover couple (romance) now kill one of them, describe the reaction of the one alive.
29. A crossover couple (romance) you like but think it would end badly or cause problems.
30. A crossover you will support forever.