More news from Fandom-World. This is old, but still pretty exciting.
Matthew Morrison wants Justin Timberlake to play his brother in GleeI MEAN OMFGWTF how awesome would that be? Matthew and Justin look really alike and seeing both of them dance and sing would make my heart fail. What else would life be worth living for after that? And then, let's be honest, Justin hasn't published an album in years (while Matthew's new one's coming out in Feb 2011 I'm so gonna get it) and he's been getting small roles on the big screen, but what the hell could he ever be busy with apart from that, not to be able to accept such a great opportunity? I really can't see why the small screen is so underrated by American stars. People watch tv as much (no, more) as they watch movies at the cinema. Ok, maybe you get paid better for a cinema movie, but wth isn't the money they already made enough for these people to despise TV so much?
Ok, sorry bout the unpredicted rant.
I'm not studying that much. I don't feel motivated. All I'd like to do is read and watch tv shows.
I discovered this new band, it's called Klaxons. They're great! If you search for 'klaxons' on Youtube you'll get some songs, which are the ones I've been listening to. I love them!
09. A crossover couple you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
Since I'm not so fond of Caroline, when I first encountered this ship I almost didn't consider it - her presence ruined it all. But then I read some more about them and watched the vid below (made by
milerna, and I just thought they were perfect ♥
(please watch it @ the YT page, it would be great for the vidder to get more visualisations since her works are amazing)
Click to view
Following days
10. The first crossover you liked
11. Your guilty pleasure crossover
12. A crackship
13. Your favorite crossover couple (rivals)
14. The craziest crossover you've seen
15. A crossover couple you created (that you haven't seen anywhere else)
16. Your favorite crossover based on movies.
17. A movie/tv crossover
18. Your favorite crossover based on drama shows.
19. The last crossover you started to like
20. Tell us how or what introduced you to crossovers
21. Best idea for a crossover you've seen
22. Mention 5 characters for a multicrossover show (doesn't matter if it makes sense just pick 5 characters you'd like to see together)
23. If you're into slash/femslash, your favorite crossover couple. If not, tell us your favorite same gender friendship couple.
24. First crossover obsession
25. Current crossover obsession
26. If you could imagine a fight scene, which characters would be involved? (can be a one on one fight or a group fight)
27. A non-human crossover couple (any kind of relationship)
28. Take your favorite crossover couple (romance) now kill one of them, describe the reaction of the one alive.
29. A crossover couple (romance) you like but think it would end badly or cause problems.
30. A crossover you will support forever.