New shiny graphic + tv shows reviews + [ITA] [DW] Fic

Dec 08, 2008 19:40

Hi everybody!
Here I am with these new shiny layout&header (by eryslash ♥)!
eleblack eleblack eleblack eleblack eleblack eleblack

I have to apologize to you for being so absent this period *sighs* School keeps me busy and I had to study a lot during holidays too .__. I'm sure I won't enjoy Christmas Holidays either, 'cos I've got so many tests planned at school in January! FO. I need some rest.

Anyway, I still found the time to watch some tv shows and to write a little fanfiction on Doctor Who :P Here they come.

Oh guys I lost all my energy by SQUEEEing the whole time. As usual :D A lot of great things happened on this episode: the exciting competition for the solo surgery, the Vent thing with Christina & Hunt, and OMG finally Mark/Lexie is CANON! YAY! But let's go on by baby steps. Solo surgery: I was so sad for Christina - and actually I'm starting to really like her. I mean, she's one of the best characters of this new season, together with Bailey (but maybe she is because this is the only season of GA I've ever watched in English and her voice is made of win :D), Lexie and Hunt! GWAH! Well, it must have been so hard for her to make her decision. Personally I couldn't choose between Mer, Alex and George. And Mer shouldn't have complained about not being chosen. She was really making it personal. Bad Mer, bad!
The Vent thing: YYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYY ZOOOOMFFG! *_______________________________* Anything can happen on the vent. Anything. *dies* I mean, I LOVE THAT MAN! HE IS SO HOT. AWWW. AND HE'S PERFECT FOR CHRISTINA! Ok end of capslock. I mean. Hot. Aww.
Mark/Lexie: Again, YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ♥___♥ She couldn't stop repeating "Teach me" and I was just freaking out and yelling "C'mon you asshole go and kiss her!" AWWWW *_* I just love them. They could become my GA OTP. Really. No wait, maybe Christina/Hunt would be. *insecure*

I just love Michael. He's the one who's gonna save every ass of every single person of this series. :D He's just...too smart for my mental stability. That little piece of Scylla he took for himself, isn't it just awesome? Aww. And this whole season is amazing. I risk and heartache everytime I watch it. I'm so looking forward to find out who Don Self really is. And I hope Mahone's gonna be back or I will kick his ass very hard ;)

|+| Titolo: All I Want For Christmas Is A Penguin
Fandom: Doctor Who
Personaggi: Dottore, Donna
Rating: G
Prompt: Pinguino
Conteggio Parole: 200
Note: Premettendo che scrivere su DW in italiano si è dimostrato particolarmente difficile O.o", ringrazio la fedele Wikipedia (mai darla per scontato!) e la mia amica marty-paige che inconsapevolmente con una sua geniale userpic ha acceso in me l'ispirazione - stile 'lucine dell'albero di Natale'!

“Dove ci troviamo?” domandò Donna emozionata.
“Beh, ho pensato di farti un regalo di Natale!” rispose il Dottore, afferrando la giacca e saltellando verso l’uscita del Tardis.
“Un regalo di Natale?!” ripeté l’altra, con espressione ancora più radiosa.
“Allons-y! Oh, e prendi il cappotto, credo che farà un po’ freddo…”.
Uscirono dal Tardis, entrambi con espressione entusiasta…Ma quella di Donna pian piano si spense: dire che lì fuori faceva freddo era poco! E ciò che si parava davanti ai loro occhi era una distesa infinita di bianco: neve, ghiaccio, acqua…e ancora neve, ghiaccio, acqua. E qualche sottospecie di iceberg qua e là.
“Illuminami.” disse Donna incerta, stringendosi nel suo cappotto.
“Eccoci nell’habitat naturale di una delle specie più interessanti dell’Universo, gli Aptenodytes forsteri, della famiglia Sfenisciforme...”.
“Mmh.” commentò Donna scettica.
“La loro capacità di adattamento è invidiata dall’intero pianeta! Sono ottimi nuotatori, abili cacciatori, incredibilmente adatti ad essere coccolati, e meglio conosciuti come…”.
“Pinguini!” esclamò Donna, la cui bocca si era curvata in una entusiastica ‘O’, mentre puntava un dito verso due piccoli pinguini che trotterellavano in fila davanti a loro.
Il Dottore sorrise ancora più largamente, soddisfatto per l’idea geniale che aveva avuto: “Molto bene! Buon Natale, Donna!”.

tv shows, tv shows: grey's anatomy, fanfiction, eng, fanfiction: tv shows, tv shows: doctor who, character: donna noble, character: the doctor, prompt: fanfic_italia, ita, tv shows: prison break, fanfiction: mine

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