Fuck off.

May 18, 2008 08:54

If I had started this entry a few minutes ago, I would have said that today has begun in a better way than yesterday (which was a very very bad day). But, starting it now, I could say that this day couldn't begin worse.
What would you do if you discovered that the free messages you demanded for on your phone have not been accredited and you didn't know? What if you found out that you've run out of money on your phone after 3 days?
OH GOD, I hate so much the TIM. *grrrr*

Wtf is happening to me? Yesterday I was very upsetted by I-dont-know-what and today it seems it's gonna be the same. Is this only stress? Every year when May comes I become a little frustrated, but this is really too much for me to stand.
Let's start from the beginning. Here's what happened yesterday.
♥ My two friends M&S had a row 2 days ago {I don't know what actually happened though} and they're still not talking to each other. Now i am the one who stays between them, trying to build up a conversation. S is open to chatting {I guess she is to blame and she feels guilty, but oh, whatever} while M is not, and she was very bitchy all the time. I started to be upset right then.
♥ S began to piss me more and more, in her best way possible, but I guess she never really meant to. This is a bad period for her too. Anyway, i tried to stand her jokes but I didn't make it through the end and I sort of *BOOM!*....We argued, but luckily we let it go and passed over our anger.
♥ L (I guess this is the first and last time I talk about her here) refused to do me a stupid little favour, when she phones me every day to ask things about school. She may call anytime and I must be ready to answer her questions! Even after dinner! The fact that she refused to help me when I've always helped her with anything {added to my upsetting} led me to be very bitchy @ her...She got a bit pissed off and cried, and said she didn't mean not to help me, she was just kidding me. In the end I realized it was me to be frustrated, and we let it go.
♥ at home, my mum refused to take me out with a friend of mine. Her reasons were so stupid that she could have told me days ago, and the fact was she was not very fond of picking me @ my friend's: that's why I should have called my friend and delete everything I had planned. i got angry at her too and it was dad to solve our problem.
♥ Guess who came back to talk to me last night? The stupid man {I've called it "G." so far, but I think "The stupid man" is more appropriate}.

[20.44.40] Him: Heya
[20.45.24] Me: Hi
[20.45.32] Him: How are you?
[20.45.38] Me: I'm ok
[20.46.06] Him: Why are you so upsetted? [Note: I wrote this near my screen-name, that's how he knew]
[20.46.36] Me: Dunno, but I feel I am
[20.46.49] Him: oh, ok xD
[20.46.58] Him: what have you done today?
[20.47.33] Me: nothing really important..
[20.48.18] Him: all right..
[20.48.41] Him: I'm not staying home tomorrow for the whole day, and I'm going to be questioned in history on monday T.T
[20.49.40] Me: got it...
[20.49.55] Him: You know, Philip II...I hate him...

Ok, have I been as cold as I should? XD Really, i couldn't believe to what I was seeing. He hasn't understood at all that I don't want to talk to him anymore, or maybe he was feeling lonely. In fact I noticed that he took off from his MSN avatar the pic of the girl he likes: maybe nothing's gone right between them..but I don't mind. I don't care about the two of them any longer. But I've become even more angry when I saw him talking to me this way after all he's done to me. :(

Ok, this was yesterday. You know, I think my english teacher is a goddess because she had predicted everything. During our last english lesson she warned us about those stupid problems we build by ourselves and that don't really exist, just because we have no real problems to care about. It is true, and I had already realized this. That's exactly what happened yesterday. I've forgotten to be happy about my normal life, while there are people who can't get rid of their problems just waking up well in the morning, such as my aunt that is dying by cancer, her daughters that will be left without a mother, and my friend bm_shipper who has very bad problems in her family {I'm staying close to you, hon ♥}.
Now i just need to relax and R-E-S-T and it will all go away. I have too less energy to be wasted this way.
Other random things, then I promise I'm done and I will stop writing xD
# i had my hair cut last thursday, and I do like myself now! It's fitting well on me, everyone told me that, and i will post a photo of me in next entry {I'm not fond of doing this now, sorry ^^"} so you can see *hugs f-list*
# I found out about fanmixes. And this thanks to eledh-3, as usual. I gotta find some songs fitting to one of my favourite ships and build up a fanmix. It's exciting me. *nods*
# I have to read a whole book on Jane Austen for an English work on Romanticism, and I dunno where to find the time, because in the meantime I'm reading "The Last letters of Jacopo Ortis", and that is even more boring, but I can't get rid of it because I'll be questioned on it :(
# I spent the whole after-dinner-time to create a template for my Splinder blog and, as always, I wasn't satisfied of it in the very end. *doh* Moreover, fucking splinder put in the basic html code a link in each entry's title, so you cannot decide the colour/font/size of it because it's acting like a stupid link to the entry itself...does it make any fucking sense to you??
*sighs deeply* Now I'd better go studying Phisics.

This entry really sucks. It's too long and full of pessimism. It could lead to despair the happiest man on the earth.
And I'm so pathetic. *sighs again*
Have a great day, ladies, and don't act like this stupid girl here.

books, graphic, family: parents, friends: f-list, love, friends, family, school, love: gianluca, friends: m&s, family: cousins

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