
Apr 18, 2008 21:49

Why would I post this entry tonight? No reason.

Dunno what to say, actually.
I guess I couldn't wait for speaking english again {Damn geek I am} XD

Ok, let's be serious.
Today I've realized I miss Lost. So much. I miss that kind of hot guy named Jack (got it,
marty_paige ??? XD I'm joking, I♥you dear), I miss Saywer's and Kate's push-and-pulls, I miss Locke's full-of-hair head :D Btw, have you noticed his name is "John Locke", like that famous 17th century philosopher? And Desmond's surname is Hume, like philosopher David Hume (was he called David? OMG I don't remember *lol*). Dunno, maybe it's just boring, but I am very curious about these names. They makes Lost more interesting and mysterious *____*

Yesterday I started PS2-ing again after weeks of fucking nothing. And I made a template. But the whole html was wrong. I spent two hours on it and then I let it go. Today I came back and fixed it. Not it's awesome, but I swear I'll never spend so much time on a template again @_@
I feel sooooo tired. Why is that? Spring-effect? *mmm* School? *nods* XD
What else? Oh, I've let him go. Yes. I've said goodbye. He keeps contacting me through MSN sometimes, but I guess we've come to a compromise. I don't wanna be fooled anymore...and now he knows what I feel about him :D Yes, he knows that I like him because I told him that. That moment was great. He kept talking and talking and asking why the hell I acted like that and saying I was stupid and..I said "Yes, but I'm also in love with you".

LOL! Anyway, I've been crying a little these days, thinking of him and how we could have been together...But now I feel strong! YAY! I'll make it through as I've done in the past.
As I always say, it's just a matter of time. It can fix everything. 
Ok, I know that I wrote more than you expected. I (almost) always do that :D But I know you love me anyway♥ 
Just one more thing and then I will leave: my English teacher brought back my writing composition a few days ago. I was good, but she said something that "hurt" me: she said I often don't find the easier way to say things, and that may be because I'm used to speak a lot in Italian, using several different nouns and ways of saying...let's say I need to be shorter. But the fact is: I don't know how to become shorter. XD

tv shows: lost, tv shows, love: gianluca, school, love, friends

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