My friend Lee (finally) graduated from college. Hooray for Lee! To celebrate, I made him a few gifts. I should first state that he’s crazy about cows. He likes them a lot. In fact, we usually greet each other with ‘moo’ rather than hello. So I made him a cow sleepy set which includes some sleepy shorts and a pillow.
Now I know they’re nothing to write home about, but I hope he enjoys them. He received them in the post yesterday. I found the fabric at a thrift store and couldn’t pass it up. I had originally planned to just make a pair of pajama pants, but alas I didn’t have enough fabric so I just shortened the pants into shorts. He lives in Florida, after all, so maybe it’s for the best.
Congratulations on graduating, Lee!
PS - I’ll be drawing the winners of the giveaway later this evening!
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Unfamiliar Ceiling.