Jan 18, 2010 11:36

I’m a little late in posting this, but what else is new?

A lot happened this year, as is always the case. I got married, said farewell to changing diapers (for now!), worked the entire year at the same job, quit WoW, picked WoW back up, fell in love, fell apart, flew on a plane for the first time, left a little piece of myself in the terminal, knit like a banshee (you know, if banshees did happen to knit), made new friends, lost old ones, learned the value of someone telling me that everything is going to be okay, learned to believe that everything is going to be okay, gave blood for the first time, didn’t read a single book, watched my children turn 3 and 5, sent the oldest off to school, made love (and some war), compromised, sacrificed and all the while managed to keep sight of my dreams and continue working toward them.

My birthday is very near and, as is my annual tradition, I make my new year resolutions on (or very near to!) my birthday because that’s technically when my new year begins. I’ve decided not to force myself to make a total of 10 resolutions this year and also to maybe give myself measurable deadlines where applicable. So, here goes nothing…

1. Stop smoking. Yes, it’s generic but it needs to happen, damn it!
2. Write more. Just do it!
3. Save money. It’s hard to set an exact savings amount because sometimes savings may have to be dipped into. So I’m aiming for 5-8% of each of our checks going into savings each time we are paid.
4. Pay off debt. I have been working on this and it has been going well. Keep it up!
5. Manage MMO time. For example, don’t get addicted to WoW, Eleanor. In honor of this resolution, we have declared Wednesday night WoW-free night.
6. Knit more. This probably ties into Resolution 5 a bit, but it also ties into Resolution 7…
7. Open, run and rock an Etsy store. This is in progress, as is my first project I intend to list. The more I knit, the more (potential) money I can bring in to be put into savings, which will help out with Resolution 3 and/or 4.
8. Learn something new. Either cross stitch or ukulele.

There you have it. I’m setting up reminders in my calendar to periodically check in on myself and also to keep me in line to sticking with these.

Happy (belated) New Year to everyone. I hope you make the most of 2010!

Mirrored from Unfamiliar Ceiling.

etsy, goals, world of warcraft, ukulele, knitting, marriage, mommyhood, home life, cross stitch, birthdays, resolutions, gaming, finances

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