daily happiness is not daily

Oct 10, 2013 14:23

I really fail at daily posting, don't I?

1) With Chris working 12-hour days all week and all weekend, I'm left to my own devices a lot more than I'm accustomed to -- and I do miss him but man, it's nice to have some time off cooking. Chris never expects me to feed him, but I still feel bad if I don't, and I do enjoy cooking, so it's not a chore per se. But it's still nice to not have to bother about it. I have a fridge full of sandwich ingredients, lots of snacks, and the number of the local Italian place that does really good pizza, pasta and ribs. :)

2) I tried the first episode of Sleepy Hollow. I liked it more than I expected - Crane in particular gets some excellent lines, and I can see why fandom likes it. That said, a lot of it pressed my story-squick buttons - I'm not a fan of stories where the main character is consistently not believed when they need to be - so I'm not sure how invested I'm going to get. We'll see.

What it has done, though, is it's inspired me to try Buffy again. (Well, that and the awesome Elementary/Buffy fusion I read yesterday.) I've got six of the seven seasons on DVD, though I stopped early in Season 3 when I was marathoning them the first time. I'll see if I can get further through them this time around.

(Edit: oh god, they're in 4:3. I had forgotten.)

3) I caught up with recent QI episodes yesterday, and the second-last episode made me laugh til I choked. Ross Noble, Sue Perkins and David Mitchell - not quite my ideal guest lineup, but pretty close to it. :)

Maybe I should do a QI rewatch this week. Chris isn't a huge fan of it (it irks him that they take too long to get to the interesting facts :D) so I'm unlikely to watch it with him, and it's been a few years since I watched it all right through.

I really wish they'd release QI DVDs so I could have the whole lot all in the same format and with deleted scenes and special features and so on.

4) Not long til Thor: The Dark World! Squee! Although Thor isn't my favourite of the MCU movies, it has the highest concentration of my favourite characters.

(Also, I am reminded of just how much Tom-Hiddleston-as-Loki is an absolute perfect match for adult Draco Malfoy, IMO. Give him blonde hair, and he's perfect.)

5) I have been hearing rumours about the Agent Carter TV series going ahead with Hayley Atwell. Does anyone have anything more conclusive about it? It is seriously #2 on my wishlist of Things I Would Give My Right Kidney For, right behind a Captain Marvel movie. Please make it happen, Marvel!

meme: daily happiness

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