Jan 22, 2008 00:51
Is it wrong for this often single girl to be appalled by her sister's choice of boyfriend? I met *the guy* over my Christmas stay in SoCal and I'm rather underwhelmed. On the plus side he's cheerful, generous, he's attentive, he seems like a fun guy... um I'm stretching now, maybe my sis thinks he's funny (I didn't)... so now that I have that written down he sounds a little like a good dog. My boyfriends are usually smart, have educated opinions about art and philosophy (my main interests), if they also like cooking and Sci-Fi it's a bonus, they are usually pretty handsome, semi-well groomed (with the bathing and the laundry, and shoes without holes) and polite. This dude is sloppy, uneducated, unattractive (to me) and rude. I wonder if I'm on one of those stupid reality shows like the one where the girl brought home the most awful (fat, beer-swilling, obnoxious, rude) fiance and convinced her whole family that she was going to marry him... except that he's not quite reality TV bad... just flavored with it... It would suck to have him join the family, but I feel that my perpetual single and lonely state doesn't leave me in much of a position to criticize. Maybe he makes her happy. I'm tired of going home to the same tiny family, no new family starts to feel lonely and makes me just think about everybody eventually dying off including me and my single-ass self. I shouldn't expect for my sister's taste and my own to be the same by any means (them's Jerry Springer land there) but I think she can do better. If I knew how to snag (and KEEP) "better" perhaps I could help... Oh well I can't dwell on it, back to me and My social problems :)