Staying Safe at the War/Event (entering 1st to completing 3rd grades)
Youth will learn age-appropriate first aid, focusing on how to prevent injuries outdoors, and treating minor wounds. Discussion on the role of Chirurgeons at SCA Events, and tour of site & Chirurgeons point, (if available) (For those in Scouting, the class covers Brownie First Aid steps 1-5; Tiger rank 2G & 3Fb; Wolf rank 3C, Wolf elective18g; Bear rank 7D & 11A)
Reasons to include this topic in SCA
Safety is for everyone
Introduce community service - Chirurgeons
Can include some historical information about how people in period didn't know about germs, and that people died from improperly treated wounds
Very Rough topic list
Reinforce 911 for emergencies - name, phone #, what happened, what's wrong, where you are, how many hurt, what has been done.
Special procedures for War - explain the service Chirurgeons do, how they are trained, what happens next
What to do if you get lost
Talk to a Chirurgeon & tour Chirurgeon's point - learn how they help people & get tips for staying safe
Learn what are the most common injuries & illnesses at the war & how to prevent.
Minor cut, Scrape, Bruise, Splinter, Insect bite, Sunburn
Build a first aid kit for the most common minor injuries, and have the kids demonstrate how to use the supplies. Little pouch, bandaids, cleansing wipes or soap, etc. Form about the kid listing parents & camping location.
Walk around & discuss potential camp hazards & how to prevent them.
Wear shoes, Flashlight at night, No flames in tents, Avoid poison ivy, thorn trees, Swim/lake activities with adult supervision & buddy system, Sunscreen, Drink enough water, Be careful around lanterns, campfires & stoves.
Optional - discussion of differences between the middle ages & now
Specific Badge requirements
Brownie First Aid
Find out how to get help from 911 - roleplay - good handout could be a poster for class
Talk to someone who treats injured people
Make a first aid kit - items for minor injuries, like a cut or scrape
Learn how to prevent minor injuries - cut, scrape, bruise, insect bite - learn about common injuries & how to prevent them
Know how to prevent & treat outdoor injuries - ID Poison ivy/ poison oak, prevent bug bites, bee stings, & sunburn
Tiger 2G - Visit any emergency response facility - the purpose it to have the boys learn that people work in the community to protect them and keep them safe
3Fb - Plan what to do if you became lost or separated from your family in a strange place
Wolf - Rank 3C - Show what to do for a small cut on your finger.
Elective18g - Point out poisonous plants & what to do
Bear - rank 7d - Know where to get help in your neighborhood
11A - Tell what to do in case of an accident in the home. A family member needs help. Someone's clothes catch on fire.