Dec 08, 2009 20:29
Okay, so as it turns out, I ended up missing all of Alice this week. I thought I could wait until Monday to watch it all at once, but had forgotten about a Christmas party I had to go to. (The bro's gf and I thought about skipping to stay home and watch it, but we decided to be *responsible* instead. D:) But I'm wondering, is does it have a horrible hanging ending and unresolved sexual tension that is going to make me want to get all fangirly on it? Because I do not want that. I am perfectly happy with my current obsessions and don't want to risk messing up the precarious balance that they represent.
My mom asked me the other day if I had snuck off to the doctor and gotten on ADD meds without telling her, because apparently I have been productive and focused and all sorts of good things lately. I started to jokingly tell her that it was all because I was fangirling Holmes and Jeeves right now and those are both old literary fandoms with brilliant main characters, but then I realized it was totally the truth. (I also realized that the last time I fangirled Holmes was Fall 03, aka My Only Semester of All Good Grades.)
tl;dr - Holmes and Jeeves make my brain behave, will Alice send it down a rabbit hole?